Rolling Armbar from Scissors Sweep setup
When opponent lifts his nearside knee to resist the scissors sweep, you can force him forward so that both his hands are on the mat. Then you can move your legs and hips into a rolling Gold Chain Armbar.
Omoplata to rolling backtake from Scissors Sweep setup
When opponent lifts up his nearside knee to counter the Scissors Sweep, you can switch to an omoplata sweep and then roll into a back take from the top.
Back Take and Triangle from Scissors Sweep set up.
When opponent lifts up his nearside knee to prevent the Scissors Sweep, you can execute a back take or a triangle.
Scissor Sweep Fundamentals
Details on how to execute the Scissors Sweep from closed guard with crucial details on how to deal with the resistance opponents give.
Attack options from arm drag from closed guard
From your closed guard, secure a cross sleeve grip and perform an arm drag to create opportunities for the back take, pendulum sweep, or armbar.
Tripod Sweeps
Tripod sweep with your foot on the same side sweep (push-pull sweep), and a variation with the opposite foot on hip (sickle sweep).
Tournament definition of a Sweep and Top/Bottom positions in BJJ
Technical details that explain the top and bottom positions of a tournament match and what is considered a sweep.
Crucial details for a successful Butterfly Guard Sweep
This covers the fundamentals for the butterfly guard sweep. Includes a solo drill that will help you understand the mechanics. It also covers crucial details that will help you overcome the resistance your opponent will present.
Double Under Stack Pass defense to Saddle position
Defend the double under stack pass with an entry into the saddle position for leg locks.
Wardzinski Sweep from Standing Opponent
When the opponent stands, you can perform the Adam Wardzinski sweep by putting on a hybrid leg configuration of reverse DLR with the cross sleeve 2-on-1 grips.
Wardzinski Sweep when opponent starts knee cut
When the opponent stands, you can perform the Adam Wardzinski sweep by putting on a hybrid leg configuration of reverse DLR with the cross sleeve 2-on-1 grips
Adam Wardzinski Butterfly Guard Sweep
Adam Wardzinski is a European BJJ Champion who uses the armdrag and butterfly guard position to execute this sweep.
Omoplata Sweep from Closed Guard with Cross-Sleeve Grip
You can enter the Omoplata position from the Closed Guard if you first obtain the cross-sleeve grip. Once swiveling to the omopolata, the sweep is the most likely scenario.
Lockdown Basics and Electric Chair Sweep
This video explains what the Lockdown is, why people use it, and how to use it to execute the Electric Chair sweep.