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  • Counter Sweep from Low Knee Cut Pass

    Use this counter sweep when the opponent tries a low knee cut pass with his hips high and head low. When he attempts to pushes your knee to keep you from recovering full guard, you can trap his arm between his legs and do a hook sweep.

  • SLX to Butterfly Ashi Sweep to Footlock

    When the opponent is standing in your Single Leg X (SLX) guard, and takes your foot off his hip and steps off your inside hook, you can transition to the Butterfly Ashi leg entanglement to do the back sweep and then immediately finish with the footlock. This video includes details on the finishin...

  • De La Riva Guard Recovery and Single Leg Sweep with far sleeve grip

    When the opponent goes into headquarters position by stepping over your foot on his hips and traps it between your legs, you can grab his collar to recover your De La Riva (DLR) guard. Then if he tries to push your leg back between his legs, you can grip his far sleeve and do a single leg sweep.

  • De La Riva to Single Leg Sweep using collar grip

    Secure the collar grip from your De La Riva (DLR) guard by stretching out the opponent's stance with your leg. Then drag him forward onto his hands and keep his weight on his far leg. Then sit up and pass the collar grip to your other hand to secure the posture break. Stand up to complete the tak...

  • De La Riva back sweep to Inversion and Mount

    From your De La Riva guard, grab the collar to do a back sweep and then invert into the mounted position.

  • De La Riva to X Guard to Single Leg Sweep

    From De La Riva (DLR), grab the collar to get the hands on the mat and push all his weight on the far leg. Then put your DLR foot on his hip and push until you can bring your knee under his leg. Underhook his leg and get up for the single leg sweep.

  • Spider to De La Riva back sweep using near side sleeve grip

    When you have Spider Guard sleeve grips, you can enter the De La Riva guard and then set up a back sweep by sitting up and feeding the nearside sleeve between the legs. Secure a collar grip and angle your hips towards the back to tilt him backwards.

  • Spider Guard to DLR to Situp Sweep using far sleeve grip

    When you have spider guard double sleeve grips, you can enter the De La Riva (DLR) guard and perform a sit up forward sweep by securing the far sleeve grip between his leg.

  • Lasso sweep by hooking the far armpit

    when you have spider guard, you can secure a lasso sweep by hooking the far armpit and angling your body to 90 degrees.

  • Spider to Lasso Sweep when opponent has strong base

    When the opponent has a strong base from within your spider guard and making it difficult to move him, you can lasso his arm and hook the far thigh to secure your lasso. then pull move into a 90 degree angle and pull his far shoulder into the direction of the sweep.

  • Spider Guard to Lasso Sweep from Combat Base

    When you have spider guard grips and your opponent lifts one leg up in combat base, you can lasso an arm and hook the leg that is up to set up a sweep. Angle your body to 90 degrees relative to his body and then lift your hook on the far leg to get him to fall. Complete the sweep by controlling t...

  • Deep De La Riva Back Sweep to Mount

    When in the De la Riva (DLR) guard, you can get a collar grip and deep DLR hook to do a back sweep and then immediately move into the smash position, where you pass the guard directly into mount.

  • Leg Hook Sweep from De La Riva (DLR) with collar Grip

    When you have the De La Riva (DLR) guard and a collar grip, you can bait him into a leg hook sweep by attempting to break his posture so that that he would pull up, giving you the momentum to sit up and push him backwards.

  • CLASS: De La Riva Sweeps with Collar Grip (27-Nov-23)

    When you have the opponent's collar grip from within your De La Riva (DLR) guard, you can do a leg hook sweep and finish with a knee cut pass. Or, you can get a deep DLR hook sweep and end up in the mount or smash position. Either sweeps can be done from the opponent's combat base or standing.

  • Basic Sweep from 50/50 Guard

    Understanding the 50/50 position and how to do the basic 50/50 sweep using a back and forth partner drill.

  • Hip Bump Sweep from Closed Guard using NoGi

    How to do the standard Hip Bump Sweep from closed guard by cupping the elbow to prevent the post.

  • Heisen Sweep from Kimura set up in kneeshield halfguard

    When you set up a kimura from kneeshield halfguard, and the opponent grabs your leg to defend the armbar, you can enter the Heisen Guard Sweep by sliding your knee under his armpit.

  • Kimura to Choi Bar to Heisen Sweep

    When attacking the Kimura from your closed guard, put your foot on the hip and swing your free leg over to the attacking arm to get the Choi Bar (armbar variation). If he holds your leg to prevent the free leg from swinging over his head, then you can slide your knee under his armpit to do the He...

  • Muscle Sweep from Closed Guard

    In closed guard, secure a cross sleeve grip. When he stands up to break your closed guard, you get an underhook on his leg and buckle his knee outward to get him to fall. Then push yourself up to mount.

  • Flower Sweep

    While in closed guard, secure same side sleeve grip and opposite pant grip. Then open closed guard, pull forward, trap the leg and push over with your leg.

  • Omoplata Sweep

    You can threaten the Omoplata shoulder lock as a means to achieve a sweep to a dominant position. When the opponent realizes it's an omoplata, he may defend by rolling forward. Get up into the bicep sandwich on his arm to control the top position.

  • X-Guard to Technical Stand Up Sweep

    When in X-Guard and you do not have any upper body grips, you can push all his weight onto the far leg, and then underhook the near leg. This allows you to do a technical stand up with a single leg.

  • X-Guard Ankle Pick Sweep

    When in X guard, you can stretch out the far leg and then pick up the ankle with your lower hook. You can do this in 2 separate moves or one single move. You do not need any upper body grip to execute this sweep.

  • Spider Guard Scissor Sweep

    When your opponent is kneeling from within your spider guard, you can put one foot on the bicep and use the other foot to take away his base while you direct his bicep towards the sweep.