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  • Butterfly Hook Sweep from cross-sleeve arm drag

    When you have butterfly guard and a cross sleeve grip, you can arm drag your opponent to secure a grip on his belt or far armpit. Then you can connect your butterfly hooks to do a hook sweep. If he prevents the sweep, you can replace the cross sleeve grip with a grip on the far leg to assist in c...

  • Butterfly Guard to Single Leg X (SLX)

    Use your Butterfly Guard hook sweep attempt to enter the Single Leg X position for leg entanglement.

  • Butterfly Hook Sweep from cross sleeve and belt grips

    When you have the cross sleeve grip in your Butterfly guard, you can arm drag him to secure a belt grip on his back. Then as he pulls back to defend, you can scoot your hips under his hips and pull him into a hook sweep.

  • Basics of Hook Sweep from Butterfly Guard

    When you have Butterfly Guard, a very common entry into the Hook Sweep is to scoot closer at a right angle and grip the belt on his back and a far sleeve grip. Then fall to your shoulder to get his weight onto the far knee while lifting his leg up with your butterfly hook to complete the sweep.

  • Collar and Sleeve Drag from Butterfly Guard to Flip Over Sweep

    When you do a collar drag with a sleeve grip, and the opponent lifts up a knee to defend the hook sweep, you can use your butterfly hook to bring his leg to the other side of your body. Then using the sleeve grip, you can stand up and flip him over for a sweep.

  • Collar Drag to Meat Hook Sweep from Butterfly Guard

    When you do a Collar Drag from your butterfly guard, the opponent may underhook you to avoid the backtake. You can then enter the Meat Hook Sweep by throwing your leg over his back and digging your heel into his far collar bone.

  • Clock Choke Counter Sweep to side control

    When the opponent is attempting a clock choke, and he puts his arm under your far armpit, you can trap his arm and roll over your far shoulder for a sweep to side control.

  • Turtle sweep using back bump to side control or knee ride

    When you are in the turtle position, and the opponent is in the position ready to do a clock choke, you can pop your head under his armpit and secure grips on his sleeve and pants. Then you can do a sweep by raising your hips and bump him over with your back with options to finish the sweep in si...

  • Guard Pull to Scissors Sweep and then Cutting Armbar from Mount

    When you pull guard using the collar and sleeve grip with the foot on the hip, you can put the foot on the bicep to do the scissor sweep to mount. Then immediately isolate the arm to do the cutting armbar.

  • Options from cutting armbar when opponent's shoulder hits mat

    When doing the cutting armbar and the opponent's shoulder goes low to alleviate the pressure, you can create more pressure by raising his wrist. If he rolls out you can get up to secure a dominant top position or complete a kimura from the north south position.

  • Omoplata to Williams Guard to Meat Hook Sweep

    When opponent grabs your foot from your omoplata, enter the Williams Guard by grabbing his collar under your leg, and then control his far sleeve to execute the Meat Hook Sweep and finish with a shoulder lock or armbar from top position.

  • Basics of Flower Sweep from Closed Guard

    The Flower Sweep is a very low risk sweep that is done from the closed guard. Although it is easy to execute, the timing in which you do the sweep is crucial to the successful execution. This video shows you the basic mechanics of the sweep, when to do the sweep, and how to force the sweep when t...

  • Heisen Guard Sweep from Flower Sweep set up

    When the opponent defends your Flower Sweep, lift his leg up to place on top of your leg and pull your knee through to the armpit and transition to the Heisen Guard Sweep.

  • Scissors Sweep using foot on bicep with Triangle option

    When you have the collar and sleeve grips on a Scissors Sweep set up, you can complete the sweep, or transition to the Triangle hold.

  • Scissors Sweep with Resistance

    How to complete the Scissors Sweep when the opponent resists your by leaning back and to the side or putting up their knee.

  • 2-on-1 Cross Sleeve Armdrag to Pendulum Sweep

    When the opponent defends your backtake from 2-on-1 cross sleeve arm drag by pushing his shoulder into your chest, he gives you space to underhook his leg and do the Pendulum Sweep.

  • 2-on-1 Cross Sleeve Scissors Sweep

    When you have the cross sleeve and tricep grip, you can position your legs for a scissors sweep and pull him forward while taking away his knee base.

  • Roll Over Sweep from Turtle bottom

    When you are in turtle bottom and your opponent is hip-to-hip with his arm over your back, you can trap his arm in your armpit and roll over you back to finish in the side control position.

  • Turtle Sweeps when opponent is in front of you

    When you are in turtle and your opponent is in front of you with at least one overhook, you can do the sit through to finish in turtle top. If he has a guillotine on, you can circle to the side of the guillotine and do an underhook sweep.

  • Underhook Sweep from Turtle bottom

    When you have the turtle bottom position and the opponent is hip-to-hip behind your shoulder line, you can secure an underhook to achieve the dogfight position and perform a sweep.

  • Reverse Sweep from Dog Fight

    When you get onto your knees from an underhook half guard, you are in the dogfight position. Trap his arm in the overhook position and pinch your knees around his knee to trap his leg. Then fall forward onto your shoulder and grab his far leg to complete the reverse sweep.

  • Avoid pummeling or getting smashed in Underhook Half Guard

    When you have the underhook in half guard, avoid his pummel for an underhook by moving forward each time he moves backwards. If you get smashed by his chest, you can turn to your side and then move into the sweep or backtake.

  • Reverse Sweep from Underhook Half Guard

    When the opponent has a wizzers on your underhook from half guard, trap his wizzer arm, pull his inside leg so that his knee turns in (cayote hook), and then scoot underneath for a reverse sweep.

  • Counter Sweep from Low Knee Cut Pass

    Use this counter sweep when the opponent tries a low knee cut pass with his hips high and head low. When he attempts to pushes your knee to keep you from recovering full guard, you can trap his arm between his legs and do a hook sweep.