

  • Counter the Arm Triangle Escape with Ezkiel Choke

    When you attempt the Arm Triangle Choke from mount, but your opponent swings his arm back in front of your face, you can immediately counter with an Ezikiel Choke. Maintain the head hug and bring your other arm over his shoulder. Then grab your own sleeve and apply the choke with either with the ...

  • Straight Footlock on Farside Foot of 50/50 Guard

    When you are in 50/50 and the farside ankle is exposed, you can catch the foot under your armpit and then step your outside leg across the body below the knee to get a tight straight footlock.

  • Triangle Entry from Spider Guard Scissors Sweep attempt

    When you attempt the Spider Guard Scissor Sweep and the opponent lifts up a knee to defend, you can enter the triangle by using your foot on his hip to raise your hips while moving your foot on the bicep over his shoulder.

  • Lasso Sweep, Triangle, Omoplata, or Armbar from opponent's combat base

    When your opponent goes into combat base to counter your spider guard scissors sweep, you can attack with a lasso sweep, triangle, omoplata, or armbar.

  • Gold Chain Armbar from Spider Guard

    When you have double sleeve grips in Spider Guard and your opponent is on his knees, you can enter the Gold Chain Armbar leg configuration. If he turns his head away to avoid the armbar finish, you can follow through to the finish by rotating over your forehead for a belly down finish.

  • Spider Lasso Guard to Farside Omoplata

    When you have the Lasso Spider Guard, with a lasso on one of his arms and the shin on the bicep of his other arm. Tilt the opponent to the lasso side and then enter the Omoplata on the opposite side.

  • Counter the Ghost Escape with Gold Chain Armbar

    When you have side control and your opponent attempts the Ghost Escape, trap his arm under your belly by stepping your leg around his arm and hook the back of his neck. Then fall forward into the Gold Chain Armbar.

  • Counter the Ghost Escape with Wedge Armbar

    When you have side control and your opponent underhooks your belly with his nearside arm, you can wedge your shin into his armpit to isolate his arm and step over his head to complete an armbar.

  • Counter the Underhook Escape from Side Control with Technical Mount

    When you have side control and the opponent secures an underhook in attempt to escape onto his side, you can step over his body into the Technical Mount and then attack the Kimura or Wristlock.

  • Counter the Underhook Escape from Side Control with Armbar

    When you have side control and the opponent secures an underhook in attempt to escape to his knees, you can step over his body into technical mount and then step over his body with your other leg to enter the Gold Chain Armbar.

  • Counter the Underhook Escape from Side Control with Monoplata

    When you have side control and your opponent attempts to escape by securing an underhook, you can step over his body into the technical mount and then enter the Monoplata when he tries to put his shoulders back onto the mat.

  • Counter the Underhook Side Control Escape with Omoplata

    When you have side control and your opponent secures an underhook in attempt to get onto his knees, you can step over his body for a technical mount while trapping his underhook arm. Then you can move your hips to one side to turn him belly down and enter the omoplata.

  • Lasso Spin Under to Triangle

    When you have a lasso grip from your guard, you can cross grip both of the opponent sleeves and invert to spin through to a triangle hold.

  • Lasso to farside Corkscrew Armbar (Belly Down Armbar)

    When you have a tight lasso grip, you can use it to break down the opponent's posture and enter a Corkscrew Armbar (Belly Down Armbar) on the farside arm.

  • Counter the Double Under Stack Pass with Triangle or Omoplata

    When the opponent attempts a double under stack pass, you can counter with a triangle by securing the sleeve grips and placing your feet on his hips.

  • CLASS: Counters to the Stack Pass (4-Apr-24)

    When your opponent attempts a Stack Pass, put your feet on his hips and grip both of his sleeves. Then you can enter a backtake, triangle, or omoplata. If he gets your legs onto his shoulders where you cannot put your feet on his hips, you can do the elbow push to retain your guard.

  • Crucifix entry from Back to one-arm Kimura finish

    When you lose your hooks from back control, you can enter the Crucifix. Then you can increase your control by putting your leg over his head, further isolating his nearside arm. Then you can finish a Kimura using one arm (inspired by Ryan Hall).

  • Rolling Kimura from Turtle top position

    When you isolate the nearside arm of your opponent's turtle, and he turns his forearm towards his hips, you can roll into a Kimura finish with him on his back.

  • Armbar from Crucifix bottom position

    When your opponent is in turtle, enter the Crucifix position and then lean back into the bottom position. You can work an armbar simultaneously as a choke.

  • Armbar from Turtle Top Crucifix position

    When the opponent is in turtle, you can isolate his arm with a Crucifix entry, and then sprawl on top of his arm to complete an armbar.

  • Collar Choke from Crucifix with Turtle entry

    When your opponent is in turtle, you can enter the Crucifix position by using your knee to pry open the space under his elbow. Then you can lean back or roll forward into the Crucifix position where you can secure a collar grip for a choke finish.

  • Brabo Choke from chest-to-chest Half Guard top position

    When you have chest-to-chest half guard top position, you can use a grip on the opponent's farside lapel to enter the Brabo Choke, with or without trapping the opponent's arm under your chest.

  • Lapel Choke from half guard top using opponent's lapel

    When you have chest-to-chest half guard top position, you can feed the opponent's farside lapel under his armpit and secure a grip under his head. Then you can use that lapel to do a choke similarly to the cross-collar choke while still in half guard.

  • Baseball Bat Choke from Knee Ride

    From your knee ride, you can secure a palm up and palm down grips on the opponent's collar. Then move your hips into a more north south position to complete the Baseball Bat Choke. If the opponent turns on to his knees, you can continue tightening the choke from underneath him.