

  • Paper Cutter Choke from Double Under Stack Pass

    When you are doing the double under stack pass, and you secure a thumb-in grip on the opponent's lapel, you can do a Paper Cutter Choke on him before or after you pass the legs.

  • Paper Cutter Choke from Side Control with Choking Grip Last

    When setting up the Paper Cutter Choke from Side Control, reaching for the choking grip before applying the forearm to the neck will be difficult with resistance. To avoid the difficulty in applying the forearm to the neck, you can apply the forearm to the neck first and then reach the farside co...

  • Paper Cutter Choke Setup from North South

    The Paper Cutter Choke setup is difficult to accomplish from Side Control, so moving to the North South position will make it easier to mask the grips so that when you move back to Side Control, the choke can immediately be applied.

  • Basic Mechanics of the Paper Cutter Choke from Side Control

    From Side Control, you can do the Paper Cutter Choke by securing a thumb-in grip on the far collar and cupping the nearside shoulder with your other hand. This video shows the basics of the choke hold and the finishing mechanics.

  • Collar & Sleeve Guard to Triangle on Standing Opponent

    When opponent stands up from your closed guard, enter the Collar and Sleeve Guard with the foot on his bicep. Then shoot your leg over the shoulder to catch the Triangle lock and complete the choke.

  • Collar & Sleeve Guard to Armbar via Triangle Fake

    The Triangle setup is a common transition from the Collar & Sleeve guard. However, you can use this setup to fake a triangle and go directly for an Armbar submission.

  • DLR to Worm Guard Roll to Back Sweep to Armbar or Triangle

    From De La Riva (DLR), you can enter the Worm Guard using his farside lapel. then roll forward to knock him backwards and end up in an Armbar or Triangle, depending on how he reacts.

  • Closed Guard Attack Sequence of Kimura to Choibar to Triangle

    When you have Closed Guard, you can begin a sequence of attacks, starting with a Kimura. If he defends the Kimura by grabbing his belt or other hand, then attack the Choibar. If he defends the Choibar by twisting his wrist and posturing then attack the Triangle.

  • Switch Backtake and Choibar from Failed Kimura in Closed Guard

    When your opponent defends your Kimura from Closed Guard, move your farside shin to his neck and then swing your leg over his head. From there, you can do the Switch Backtake or the Choibar (armbar).

  • Thigh Enforced Kimura or Tarkioplata from Closed Guard

    When your opponent defends your Kimura from Closed Guard by grabbing his belt and blocking your hip movement, shrimp to place your foot on his hip and then slide your shin onto his neck. This allows you to configure your legs for the Thigh-Enforced Kimura or Tarikoplata finish.

  • Dealing with Kimura Defenses of Belt Grip and Straight Arm

    When you enter the Kimura hold from closed guard, your opponent is likely to either grab his belt or attempt to straighten out his arm to defend against a finish. This video shows you techniques to deal with both defensive actions.

  • Closing the Distance to get Kimura from Closed Guard

    Before entering the Kimura hold from your closed guard, you have to close the distance between your chest and your opponent's chest. Technique to do this include hugging the opponent, performing a hip bump sweep, or using your closed guard and collar grip to pull him forward.

  • Kimura from Closed Guard

    This video shows you how to create the conditions to execute the Kimura from your closed guard. It includes details that will make the kimura tighter.

  • Bicep Slicer from Spider Web (Figure 4) Armbar Defense

    When your opponent defends your armbar from mount by configuring his arms into a figure 4 (Spider Web configuration), you can submit him with a Bicep Slicer.

  • Gable Grip Break on opponent's Armbar Defense to Finish

    When the opponent puts on a Gable Grip to defend your Armbar from mount, move his elbow aside and put your elbow under his wrist and lean towards his head to break and and then move back into a right angle to complete the armbar.

  • Grip Break of Armbar Defense using Wristlock

    When the opponent grabs his wrist to defend your Armbar from Mount, you can use the Wristlock on his exposed wrist to break the grip and finish either the wristlock or the armbar.

  • Tarikoplata Counter to Hitchhiker Escape

    When your opponent defends your Armbar with the Hitchhiker Escape, you can transition to the Tarikpolata and finish with a shoulder lock.

  • Saddle Armbar Counter to Hitchhiker Escape

    When the opponent counters your Armbar with the Hitchhiker Escape, you can transition to the Saddle Armbar to counter when he gets onto his knees.

  • Triangle Counter to the Hitchhiker Escape

    When the opponent does the Hitchhiker Escape from your Armbar attempt, you can reconfigure your legs to enter the Triangle hold when he pops up his head.

  • Failed Kimura from Closed Guard to Spin-Around Armbar

    When your opponent defends the Kimura from closed guard, escape your hips and spin your hips around to set up an armbar.

  • S-Mount entry from low Mount to Fallback Armbar

    When you have the Mount position, use both hands to push one forearm to the mat to get the opponent to turn onto his side so you can enter a tight S-Mount. Then trap his defending arm under your armpit and then collect his other arm onto your chest and fall backwards to complete the armbar.

  • Collar and Sleeve Sweep to Right-Angled Omoplata

    When you're seated in Butterfly Guard, and you secure the cross collar and sleeve grips, you can attempt a scissors sweep by stomping on the opponent's knee. If he defends by posting his hand on the mat, then you can use your grips to pull him into an omoplata and finish from a right angle withou...

  • Collar Drag to Loop Choke from Butterfly Guard

    From your seated butterfly guard, secure a cross collar grip to do the collar drag to move him forward and catch a loop choke hold. Stop him from spinning out either with a leg over his shoulder or trapping his arm. Then, finish the loop choke.

  • Brabo Choke using opponent's lapel from top or bottom positions

    Use your opponent's lapel to do the Brabo Choke from either closed guard or from top dominant position (side control, kneeride, or mount). Typically this choke begins like a cross collar choke, but when the opponent uses his arm to defend the choking arm, you can drag his defend arm across his bo...