Osoto Gari Takedown
VR Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals
1m 42s
This takedown uses an outside leg reap from standing. Grab a collar grip. Pull them forward to get the reaping leg to step forward. Then step your leg behind his leg, bend forward while pushing his torso down and pulling the sleeve back.
Up Next in VR Jiu-Jitsu Fundamentals
Double Leg Takedown
Change levels, step forward so that your foot lands under their hips and your shoulder hits the belly. Secure hands behind both legs near the knee. Then step the other forward and tilt your head to the side to push them laterally while holding their legs.
Ankle Pick Takedown
Push the same-side collar grip to get the weight off the nearside leg, and then pick up the ankle with your other hand. Use the inside hand to pick up the ankle for easier access to the backside.
X-Guard to Technical Stand Up Sweep
When in X-Guard and you do not have any upper body grips, you can push all his weight onto the far leg, and then underhook the near leg. This allows you to do a technical stand up with a single leg.