CLASS: Uchi Mata Takedown (21-Aug-23)
Class Instruction at VRJJ
7m 20s
Uchi Mata takedown from the underhook/whizzer connection where the guy with the underhook on the leg gets the takedown. Set up can also be from the failed Osoto Gari takedown. Also options to go from Uchi Mata to Ankle Pick or Uchi Mata takedown to Armbar.
Up Next in Class Instruction at VRJJ
CLASS: Catching Heel Mid-Roll and Fin...
This class is about catching the exposed heel midroll and freezing the opponent in the ideal condition for a heel hook at the end of the roll. The 2 rolls explored are (1) the SLX reaping roll, ending in the Outside Ashi Heel Hook and (2) Inside Sankaku running man roll, ending in Inside Heel Hoo...
CLASS: Loop Choke Arm-In Options (18-...
When in butterfly guard, you get up to catch the loop choke and finish with leg over shoulder, arm-in with forearm pillow, or arm-in with backwards roll to top. You can also enter the loop choke from a collar drag sweep attempt when the opponent defends the sweep by moving his legs away from you.
CLASS: Arm-In Loop Choke Entries (17-...
When you are turtle top, you can push the opponent's head into your armpit and secure the nearside arm before executing a gator roll. You can finish on your back or backwards roll to finish in top side control. You can also use this set up to pass the half guard when he gets an underhook.