Guard Passing

Guard Passing

VR Jiu Jitsu instructional Videos on Guard Passing

Guard Passing
  • Smash Pass using Shin Staple

    When doing the smash pass, and the opponent blocks the collar grip, or if you can't clear the hooks, you can pinch the knees together with your hand and staple the top shin to complete the pass.

  • Leg Weave Pass when you can't clear the hooks in Smash Pass

    When you are attempting a smash pass on the opponent's knee shield, but you can't clear the hook, you can switch to a leg weave pass.

  • Smash Pass of opponent's Knee Shield

    When opponent applies a knee shield to prevent a Knee Slice pass, you can smash the knees together and pass on the opposite side.

  • Fundamentals of Knee Cut Pass

    How to execute the knee slice pass with maximum control. Crucial details to prevent common counters.

  • Pedro Sauer Guard Break and Pass

    This guard pass was inspired by the teachings of BJJ legend Pedro Sauer who promotes details that would enable you to address many of the defensive moves the opponent would offer. The video includes the entry into this pass from Reverse DLR.

  • Fundamentals of Stack Pass with Over/Under variation

    You can do the stack pass from double underhook of the opponent's legs, and then transition into an effective over/under variation when you fail to raise his hips.

  • Half Guard Pass using opponent's lapel

    When you get passed the opponent's knee shield into half guard, you can pin his back to the mat and pass using his lapel.

  • Principles of Passing the Spider and Lasso Guard

    When the opponent grips both of your sleeves in his guard and uses his feet to control the distance, you can execute these techniques to pass his guard, depending on what the specific condition of his guard.

  • Leg Weave to Over Under to Knee Slice Pass

    When your opponent prevents the Leg Weave pass by bringing his top knee towards his face and then fanning it open, you can switch to the Over Under Pass. And when he blocks the Over Under Pass, you can switch to the Knee Slice

  • Reverse Half Guard Pass

    This video defines the reverse half guard and explains when it's applicable. It also shows details of how to successfully pass the reverse half guard.

  • Reverse Half Guard to Knee Slide

    When you enter the Reverse Half Guard, and your opponent threatens a sweep by elevating your leg, you can use this technique to reclaim the underhook and change the pass to a near side Knee Slide.

  • Hippoplata to Counter the Over Under Pass

    The Hippoplata can be used as a counter to the Over Under Pass. This move was made popular by Andre Galvao. This video shows you a use for it in countering the Over Under Pass so that you end up in the top Crucifix position.

  • Double Under counter to Back Take

    When the opponent attempts a Double Under Pass, you can perform this counter and end up taking his back.

  • X Pass to Knee Ride on seated open guard using Shin-on-Shin

    When approaching a seated open guard and a fast X Pass is difficult, you can utilize stronger grips on the opponent's collar and opposite knee along with stepping into a shin-on-shin in order to perform a standing X Pass to Knee Ride.

  • Long Step Pass with X Pass grips

    When you secure grips on collar and opposite knee, you have the option of doing the X Pass on the side of the knee grip, or the Long Step Pass on the side of the collar grip. This video shows key points of the long step pass that make it work.