Guard Passing

Guard Passing

VR Jiu Jitsu instructional Videos on Guard Passing

Guard Passing
  • Arm-In Loop Choke from Half Guard Top

    When you are on top of the opponent's half guard, and he tries to sit up with the underhook, you can counter with a cross collar grip to enter the loop choke. By placing your head to the ground you can balance yourself to use your free foot to clear the guard and then secure and underhook before ...

  • Folding Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you can grip his knees and bring to the far side and slide your knee between his thighs. Keep head low against his shoulder and clear his hooks. Then pass to the original side.

  • Leg Weave Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has a knee shield half guard, you can use your shoulder or chest to pinch the knees together, place your head on the far shoulder and grip the collar to complete the leg weave pass.

  • Passing the Quarter Guard

    When in mount and the opponent has a quarter guard, you must remove his defensive arms by securing double underhooks. Then you can use your free foot to help free the trapped foot.

  • Smash Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you get grips on the knees and lift his legs to the other side and smash his legs together while stapling his shin. Then you can pass from the smash or move into the leg weave.

  • Torreando Pass pushing feet to mat

    When approaching the open guard and you can secure a pant grip on each leg, you slam the feet to the mat and hop to the side to prevent spider guard entry. Then put in a divider with either your knee or your shoulder. Swap grips to complete the pass only after his shoulder is on the mat.

  • Smash Pass from De La Riva top

    Break down the opponent's DLR by stepping over his foot and then descend to the opposite side to position his hips for the Smash Pass, using a leg weave variation.

  • Break down the Reverse De La Riva Guard to X Pass

    When opponent has reverse De La Riva guard, you break it down by removing foot off hip and hand off ankle. Then shuffle towards the center to do a quick standing X Pass.

  • X Pass on the Seated Guard

    When opponent has the seated guard, you can perform two variations of the X Pass to pass.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 3

    Part 3 of 3. When opponent counters your hand-on-hip X-Pass by using stiff arms on your shoulder, you can circle back in to push his hips flat and then finish the pass with a knee ride.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 2

    Part 2 of 3. Variation of X Pass where you place one hand on hip and the other hand on knee. Then move to right angle and place shoulder into his stomach to complete the pass.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 1

    Part 1 of 3. When opponent has you in an open guard with a light hook, you can do an X Pass into the Knee Ride.

  • Finishing the Leg Drag Pass from realistic counters

    When opponent counters your leg drag by shrimping into you, or by stepping over his own leg, you can still finish the leg drag pass with these techniques.

  • Long Step Pass from Reverse De La Riva

    When in opponent's reverse de la riva guard, pop off his foot on your hip, and clear the hook. Then grab the nearside collar and drop into the long step pass.

  • Long Step Pass from De La Riva

    When opponent has you in his DLR guard, you can pass using the near side collar grip and opposite pant grip. This video includes important details to control his ability to turtle and keep the DLR leg grip.

  • Details of the Smash Pass with Leg Weave variation

    When in a top position where one of the opponent's leg is between your legs, you can enter the smash pass position and finish the pass to side control or mount using the leg weave option. (Audio cuts out in several areas but does not detract from the lesson).

  • Guard retention from Leg Weave pass attempt

    When opponent begins the leg weave by pinching your knees together, you prevent your upper body from being controlled, and invert to spin back into guard as he continues to apply pressure.

  • Basic Spider Guard Pass

    When your opponent controls both sleeves and uses his foot on your far bicep to recover guard each time you try to throw his leg off your bicep to pass, you can use these principles to find the opportunity pass.

  • Elbow Push Recovery from Double Under Part 1

    When you make it difficult for the opponent to fold and stack you in the double under, he tends to try folding and stacking you on one side only. If you do not let him get an anchor grip on your collar, you can perform an elbow push to recover guard.

  • Stack Pass Fundamentals - Part 3

    When you have the modified stack pass where one leg is over your shoulder and you are pinning the other leg with your hand, and the opponent makes it difficult for you to pass the original side, you can switch the passing side by stapling the non stacked leg and then blocking the kneeshield with ...

  • Stack Pass Fundamentals - Part 2

    When opponent resists your stack pass attempt by using his feet to push off your hips and plank his body, you angle and get one leg over the shoulder and pin the knee on his other leg to complete the pass. This is sometimes known as the Over Under Pass.

  • Stack Pass Fundamentals - Part 1

    The stack pass is common to do once your opponent’s guard opens and you’re already on your knees. This video shows entry from the closed guard break while on your knees

  • Open Guard Pass Sequence

    When starting an open guard pass, this sequence was presented by Ariel Tabak and Hope Douglass at their seminar at VRJJ.

  • Low Knee Cut pass when your foot is stuck

    When attempting a Knee Cut and the opponent captures your foot and holds it tightly, you can clear your foot by lowering your head to the mat and getting 2 deep underhooks.