Guard Passing

Guard Passing

VR Jiu Jitsu instructional Videos on Guard Passing

Guard Passing
  • Farside Knee Cut for passing quarter guard

    When the opponent has your foot in quarter guard, secure an underhook on the nearside, and then knee cut to the far side to pass using your shin to block the hips.

  • Passing the Quarter Guard from Mount position

    When the opponent has only your foot in his guard, you can move into mount and secure double underhooks to execute this pass.

  • Reset hips to Pass Kneeshield Halfguard with Knee Cut

    When the opponent has kneeshield half guard, you can remove the kneeshield by lifting the knees to flatten hips and then you can position your knee and arm in between his knees while his hips are flat so you can launch the knee cut pass.

  • Clark Gracie style Knee Cut Pass of Kneeshield Half Guard

    Knee Cut pass of the kneeshield half guard from Clark Gracie with the farside lapel grip and knee cut over the opponent's shins. Once clear of his half guard, then reach for the head to stop his movement.

  • CLASS: Torreando techniques against Spider Guard (26-Jan-24)

    When you are going for the Torreando Pass by securing 2 pant grips, your opponent often counters with Spider Guard. These are techniques you can use to overcome the counters of the spider guard.

  • Countering the Spider Guard during Torreando Pass attempt

    When the opponent tries to use spider guard to counter your pant grips, push his feet to the mat or stack him to complete the pass.

  • Torreando Pass on the Seated Guard

    When the opponent has seated guard, you knock him onto his back onto the mat to complete the Torreando Pass. You can use your shoulder on his belly to knock him down once you move past his toes. Or, you can lift up his legs into the air to knock him down before you begin your move to an angle.

  • Torreando Pass by pushing shins into opponent

    From the double pant grip and pushing the shins into the opponent, you can do the torreando pass. When he pushes back, you can go into a reverse knee ride. If he doesn't push back, then you can go into north south position, ensuring that hip stays on the mat while you consolidate the chest to che...

  • Passing the Kneeshield and Half Butterfly Guard

    When the opponent uses his kneeshield to block your knee cut pass, you can switch your hips to pass the kneeshield. To prevent chest-to-chest half guard, the opponent will likely insert a half butterfly hook when you switch your hips. Flatten his hips to nullify his butterfly hook, and then pass ...

  • Counter to Guillotine from Closed Guard using Von Flue Choke

    When the opponent does a Guillotine from his closed guard, use the Von Flue Choke to escape and pass. Move your hips to the opposite side of your head and apply should pressure on his neck to motivate him to reconfigure his legs.

  • Farside Knee Cut Counter to Underhook Half Guard

    Counter to underhook half guard by pushing shoulders to the mat and getting nearside underhook. Then tripod to clear your knee and then do knee cut on farside to pass or go to 3/4 mount to pass.

  • Reclaim Underhook to Knee Cut from Underhook Half Guard

    Reclaim the underhook from half guard top by going into reverse half guard, clearing your knee, reclaim the underhook, and then do a knee cut pass.

  • Counter the Underhook Half Guard by blocking hip

    When opponent tries to get a deep underhook from half guard, you can defend by blocking his hip with your knee. Then you can counter by transitioning into a Smash Passl

  • 50/50 Escape to Leg Drag

    Escape the 50/50 position by moving your foot to the other side of the opponent's hips and then drive your knee to the mat so that he cannot recover 50/50. Then pin his hips and prevent him from going to turtle before finishing the leg drag pass.

  • Escape 50/50 from using a shin wedge into the leg drag

    When you are both seated in 50/50, you can escape into the leg drag pass by using your free leg as a wedge to escape your knee. Once your knee is free, you can use your 50/50 leg to move into a leg drag pass.

  • Escape standing 50/50 into the Step Through Pass

    When you stand in the the 50/50 guard, and you uncross the legs while holding on to his feet, you can do the step through pass.

  • Escaping 50/50 to Smash Pass

    Technique for escaping the 50/50 position directly into the smash pass by bringing your foot over. Use the same side sleeve grip and foot on the bicep to escape your foot to the other side and then immediately put weight on the knee to set up the smash pass.

  • Standing Pass Sequence on the Seated Guard

    When your opponent is in the seated guard, secure the same-side collar grip and the opposite pant grip. Step into a shin-on-shin on the side of the collar grip. From there, you can launch into a revere knee ride pass, an X-pass, or a knee cut pass.

  • Arm-In Loop Choke from Half Guard Top

    When you are on top of the opponent's half guard, and he tries to sit up with the underhook, you can counter with a cross collar grip to enter the loop choke. By placing your head to the ground you can balance yourself to use your free foot to clear the guard and then secure and underhook before ...

  • Folding Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you can grip his knees and bring to the far side and slide your knee between his thighs. Keep head low against his shoulder and clear his hooks. Then pass to the original side.

  • Leg Weave Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has a knee shield half guard, you can use your shoulder or chest to pinch the knees together, place your head on the far shoulder and grip the collar to complete the leg weave pass.

  • Passing the Quarter Guard

    When in mount and the opponent has a quarter guard, you must remove his defensive arms by securing double underhooks. Then you can use your free foot to help free the trapped foot.

  • Smash Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you get grips on the knees and lift his legs to the other side and smash his legs together while stapling his shin. Then you can pass from the smash or move into the leg weave.

  • Torreando Pass pushing feet to mat

    When approaching the open guard and you can secure a pant grip on each leg, you slam the feet to the mat and hop to the side to prevent spider guard entry. Then put in a divider with either your knee or your shoulder. Swap grips to complete the pass only after his shoulder is on the mat.