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Reverse Half Guard to Knee Slide

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Reverse Half Guard Pass

Guard Passing • 7m 47s

Up Next in Guard Passing

  • Reverse Half Guard to Knee Slide

    When you enter the Reverse Half Guard, and your opponent threatens a sweep by elevating your leg, you can use this technique to reclaim the underhook and change the pass to a near side Knee Slide.

  • Hippoplata to Counter the Over Under ...

    The Hippoplata can be used as a counter to the Over Under Pass. This move was made popular by Andre Galvao. This video shows you a use for it in countering the Over Under Pass so that you end up in the top Crucifix position.

  • Double Under counter to Back Take

    When the opponent attempts a Double Under Pass, you can perform this counter and end up taking his back.