Guard Passing

Guard Passing

VR Jiu Jitsu instructional Videos on Guard Passing

Guard Passing
  • Switching Shin-on-Shin sides to Pass on Seated Guard

    When opponent has seated guard with same-side shin-on-shin, you can secure collar and pants grip and then drop your knee to the mat to switch the shin-on-shin side. Then, immediately do the X Pass or Knee Cut after the switch.

  • X Pass or Knee Cut from Double Butterfly Hooks from Standing

    When the opponent puts double butterfly hooks on your legs while your standing, secure the collar and opposite pant grips and then clear the hooks by pressing your knee in between his legs and then swiveling your foot to clear one hook and attach to the other hook. Then quickly do the X Pass or K...

  • Cross Shin-On-Shin to X-Pass on Seated Guard

    When opponent has the seated guard while you are standing, step into a cross shin-on-shin position and secure the collar and pant grip. Then do the X Pass to knee ride.

  • Same Side Shin-on-shin Passing of Seated Guard using Collar & Pant Grips

    When opponent has seated guard while you stand, you can move yourself into same side shin-on-shin while securing a collar grip and opposite pant grip. This position will allow to quickly pass to the reverse knee ride.

  • De La Riva (DLR) to Headquarters to Rugby Pass

    When your opponent has the De La Riva (DLR) guard, step over and trap his foot in the Headquarters position. Then shuffle to DLR side to smash his knees together and do the Rugby Pass.

  • Transitioning from Rugby Pass to Smash Pass to Pass Kneeshield

    When your opponent has the Kneeshield Half Guard, and you begin the Rugby Pass by smashing his knees together. You can transition to the Smash Pass as soon as you clear his hook on the outside of your hip.

  • Rugby Pass from Kneeshield Half Guard top position

    When your opponent has the Kneeshield Half guard and knees are close together, you use your body to smash his knees together and block the knees from escaping with your bicep. Then do the Rugby Pass to his front side.

  • Passing Kneeshield using Smash Pass to Mount

    When the opponent has Kneeshield Half Guard, you move his knees to the other side to enter the Smash Pass (aka Folding Pass). You can pass directly to mount by stapling his top leg.

  • Smash Pass (Folding Pass) on Butterfly guard with Leg Weave option

    When your opponent has Butterfly Guard, you can move to one side to collapse his knees together and pin them to the mat with your body weight to enter the Smash Pass (aka Folding Pass). If his knees come apart, you can insert your knee between his legs and enter the Leg Weave option where you can...

  • Basics of the Smash Pass and dealing with resistance

    When you are able to move the opponent to the side and use your body weight to push his knees together, you can complete Smash Pass. Use your head to control his upper body and your legs to pass to the backside.

  • Passing from Headquarters position using Folding Pass or Knee Cut

    When you enter Headquarters position from De La Riva, immediately apply pressure to the opponent's legs. When he push his shin across your body, then you can apply the Folding Pass by pressing his knees together to the outside. If he squares his hips up to the mat, then apply the Knee Cut Pass.

  • Passing from Headquarters by keeping knees apart

    When you get into Headquarters, immediately pin the outside leg and trap his inside leg to the outside of your body while keeping heavy on his hips. Then sprawl off his hook and complete the pass to the side of the pinned leg.

  • Retaining Spider Guard from Opponent's control of your legs

    When you enter Spider Guard with double sleeve grips, you can retain your spider guard from your opponent's attempt at controlling your legs by keeping his posture broken, constantly using your grips and feet to square back up, and sitting up if he throws your legs to one side. This video introdu...

  • Passing Lasso Spider Guard with Leg Smash

    When the opponent has the lasso spider guard, and you cannot remove his foot from your armpit, you can move to the opponent's front side and smash his legs to the mat. From there you can pass to side control or mount.

  • Passing the Lasso Spider Guard with Over Under options

    When the opponent has the lasso spider guard and you can't spin your hand out of the lasso, remove the foot from the armpit and pin the far leg to the mat. This allows you to use the Over Under technique to pass the guard.

  • Stack Pass to Knee Cut when opponent defends

    When the opponent defends your stack pass by using his arm or his leg, you can pin his farside knee to the mat to create an over-under opportunity where you can complete a knee cut pass.

  • Basics of the Stack Pass with option of knee pin

    When you have double underhooks on the opponent's legs from his open guard, you can lift his hips off the mat and apply pressure onto his legs to complete a stack pass. If you can't lift his hips, you can modify the pass by pinning the far knee to the mat.

  • Half Guard Pass using opponent's farside lapel

    When you have chest-to-chest half guard, you can use the opponent's farside lapel to pin his far shoulder to the mat and work on freeing your leg from his legs. This video addresses common resistance encountered during this passing technique.

  • Rug Pull Pass of the Guard Pull with foot on hip

    When the opponent pulls guard using a sleeve grip and the foot on your hip the same side, you can counter grip his sleeve and secure a cross pant grip. Then as he sits into guard, you can pull up your grips and finish the pass to kneeride.

  • Counters to Guard Pulls that use foot on hip with collar and sleeve grips

    When your opponent attempts to pull guard with the foot on the collar grip side, you can parry his leg across or push it to the mat. When he puts the foot on the sleeve grip side, you can push the leg to the mat and secure chest-to-chest half guard.

  • Omoplata Counter by Stepping Over Head

    You can counter the omoplata by stepping both legs over the head and passing into side control.

  • Options to Pass the Quarter Guard with Mount, Knee Cut, or Backtake

    When the opponent has quarter guard from a knee cut attempt, you can pass by moving his hips using your leg. You can pass or take the back from mount, or use farside knee cut to clear the foot.

  • Pass Knee Shield Half Guard with Smash Pass

    When the opponent has kneeshield half guard, and you attempt to reset his hips but he keeps his knees pinched and feet crossed so you cannot do the knee cut or X pass. move his knees to the farside and pin his hips and knees for the smash pass.

  • Pass Knee Shield Half Guard with X Pass

    How to use the X Pass to pass the Knee Shield Half Guard when the Knee Cut is not an option because the opponent squeezes his knees tight together.