Grading Syllabuses

Grading Syllabuses

2 Seasons

These are videos demonstrating the techniques used in the grading syllabuses used at VR Jiu-Jitsu. (1) White Belt no stripes TO White Belt 1st Stripe (2) White belt 1st stripe TO Blue Belt

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Grading Syllabuses
  • Closed Guard Break by Standing with Knee Wedge (part 2)

    Episode 1

    When the opponent pulls your posture, you push into his armpits to avoid attacks. Then you get off your knees and walk your feet towards his bum to apply the knee wedges. Then secure your grips and open the guard as if you had your posture to begin with. Finish with stapling leg for the pass. Par...

  • Closed Guard Break by Lifting Opponent

    Episode 2

    When in closed guard, you can stand up and lift the opponent with you and then shake while pushing on the legs to break open the guard. Then staple the leg to the floor to complete a pass.

  • Closed Guard Break by Standing in NoGi

    Episode 3

    When in closed guard in NoGi, secure two-on-one grip of opponent's arm. Then stand up and push down on one leg to open guard, similarly to the Gi standing guard break. Then staple leg and secure crossface and leg hug to complete the pass.

  • Hip Drag Takedown

    Episode 4

    When standing, if you get hug the hips from a back angle, you can trip the far leg and drag the hip to the mat for a takedown.

  • Seated Guard Sweeps and Single Leg Takedowns

    Episode 5

    This video explains the when the seated guard is appropriate, and shows the sweeps and takedowns you can do with capturing one leg in your seated guard. You can "run the pipe," do a hip drag, or do a double leg takedown.

  • Americana from Side Control top

    Episode 6

    When you have side control on your opponent, and he puts arm frame in front of your head, you can attack his arm with an Americana shoulder lock by pushing his wrist to the mat and connecting your arms.

  • Rear Choke in NoGi

    Episode 7

    The rear choke from back control without use of gi grips is called the "Rear Naked Choke" (RNC). The standard RNC uses both of your arms locked together. This video shows details on how to safely lock the arms together to minimize the opponent's defense.

  • Rear Choke using Gi

    Episode 8

    When you have back control with the seat belt, these are common chokes using the gi to secure the choke from behind.

  • Fundamentals of Cross Collar Choke From Guard with lapel variations

    Episode 9

    Details for an effective cross collar choke from closed guard and variations using the opponent's lapel. There here are also details on how to relate the chokes from guard to the top position, and execute the lapel variation from side control.

  • Tripod Sweeps

    Episode 10

    Tripod sweep with your foot on the same side sweep (push-pull sweep), and a variation with the opposite foot on hip (sickle sweep).

  • Collar Drag Sweep

    Episode 11

    When you have seated guard, and the opponent is on his knees, you can use the collar drag to get access to the opponent's leg and drive his head towards the mat while you lift his leg to flip him over.

  • Collar Drag to Backtake

    Episode 12

    When you use the Collar Drag, either from standing or from your seated guard, you can use it to gain access to his back if you immediately secure a grip near his far armpit.

  • Collar Drag Takedown

    Episode 13

    When both are standing in a match, you can use the collar drag to access the leg for a takedown. If he lands on his hands, lift his leg while pushing his collar to the ground to flip him over. If he remains on his feet, lift the leg up while using the collar grip to compromise his balance.

  • Farside Armbar from chest-to-chest side control

    Episode 14

    When you have side control, and you isolate the opponent's far arm, you push his wrist to the mat and interconnect your arms to do a cutting armbar.

  • Kimura from Closed Guard

    Episode 15

    This video shows you how to create the conditions to execute the Kimura from your closed guard. It includes details that will make the kimura tighter.