Grading Syllabuses

Grading Syllabuses

2 Seasons

These are videos demonstrating the techniques used in the grading syllabuses used at VR Jiu-Jitsu. (1) White Belt no stripes TO White Belt 1st Stripe (2) White belt 1st stripe TO Blue Belt

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Grading Syllabuses
  • Guillotine Fundamentals with Escapes

    Episode 1

    This video explains the details for the basic guillotine with the arm in and the basic guillotine without the arm in. It includes the basic escapes for these guillotines.

  • Clock Choke Fundamentals

    Episode 2

    Fundamental concepts in the Clock Choke. Includes a finishing variation, how to enter from back control, and why it's called the clock choke.

  • Cutting Armbar from Closed Guard

    Episode 3

    When your opponent places his hand near your neck in your closed guard, you can execute a cutting armbar.

  • Kimura from Side Control

    Episode 4

    When the opponent hugs your head or turns his arm downward to avoid the Americana or armbar, you can execute a Kimura. This video shows details on how you can finish the Kimura with the maximum control of body.

  • Baseball Bat Choke

    Episode 5

    Explanation of the Baseball Bat Choke with crucial details in ensuring that you can complete the choke once you get the grips.

  • Relationships among Triangle, Armbar, and Omoplata

    Episode 6

    This video shows some transitions of your guard attacks that shows the relationship among the triangle, armbars, and omoplata.

  • Arm Triangle (Head & Arm choke) started from Mount

    Episode 7

    You can force the Arm Triangle when in mount by getting underneath the defending arm and forcing it high on the head, and then executing the head an arm choke. (some of the speech is muffled by the gi during the demo)

  • Basic escapes from Arm Triangle (Head & Arm) Choke

    Episode 8

    How to execute the basic techniques for preventing and late escapes from Arm Triangle (Head & Arm) choke

  • Fundamentals of Straight Ashi Footlock

    Episode 9

    Finishing details of the Straight Footlock with Straight Ashi leg entanglement.

  • Fundamentals of Straight Footlock Defence

    Episode 10

    When opponent attempts the Stright Footlock from the Straight Ashi leg entanglement, these 3 things are the most important defensive actions.

  • Loop Choke with leg over shoulder

    Episode 11

    From cross collar and sleeve guard, you can take away his base with your leg, then get up onto your knees to quickly capture the head in your armpit. Then sit down again throwing your leg over his shoulder to stop his defense of spinning out.

  • Farside Armbar from Side Control

    Episode 12

    This video explains the key details of a successful armlock of the far side arm from your side control.

  • Half Guard Pass using opponent's lapel

    Episode 13

    When you get passed the opponent's knee shield into half guard, you can pin his back to the mat and pass using his lapel.

  • Reverse Half Guard Pass

    Episode 14

    This video defines the reverse half guard and explains when it's applicable. It also shows details of how to successfully pass the reverse half guard.

  • Muscle Sweep from Closed Guard

    Episode 15

    In closed guard, secure a cross sleeve grip. When he stands up to break your closed guard, you get an underhook on his leg and buckle his knee outward to get him to fall. Then push yourself up to mount.

  • Fundamentals Underhook Sweep from Half Guard

    Episode 16

    From knee shield half guard, get the underhook to begin a sweep From this set up, you can execute different sweeps depending on your opponent's reaction, .

  • Fundamentals of Reverse Half Guard

    Episode 17

    When in the chest to chest half guard top, but the opponent gets the underhook, you can enter reverse half guard to pass.

  • Low Knee Cut pass when your foot is stuck

    Episode 18

    When attempting a Knee Cut and the opponent captures your foot and holds it tightly, you can clear your foot by lowering your head to the mat and getting 2 deep underhooks.

  • Catapult Sweep

    Episode 19

    The Catapult Sweep is sweeping the opponent by control one arm with your leg and underhook on his opposite leg.

  • Scissor Sweep Fundamentals

    Episode 20

    Details on how to execute the Scissors Sweep from closed guard with crucial details on how to deal with the resistance opponents give.

  • Fundamentals of Stack Pass with Over/Under variation

    Episode 21

    You can do the stack pass from double underhook of the opponent's legs, and then transition into an effective over/under variation when you fail to raise his hips.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 1

    Episode 22

    Part 1 of 3. When opponent has you in an open guard with a light hook, you can do an X Pass into the Knee Ride.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 2

    Episode 23

    Part 2 of 3. Variation of X Pass where you place one hand on hip and the other hand on knee. Then move to right angle and place shoulder into his stomach to complete the pass.

  • X Pass Fundamentals - Part 3

    Episode 24

    Part 3 of 3. When opponent counters your hand-on-hip X-Pass by using stiff arms on your shoulder, you can circle back in to push his hips flat and then finish the pass with a knee ride.