When opponent resists your stack pass attempt by using his feet to push off your hips and plank his body, you angle and get one leg over the shoulder and pin the knee on his other leg to complete the pass. This is sometimes known as the Over Under Pass.
Up Next in White 1st Stripe TO Blue Belt
Stack Pass Fundamentals - Part 3
When you have the modified stack pass where one leg is over your shoulder and you are pinning the other leg with your hand, and the opponent makes it difficult for you to pass the original side, you can switch the passing side by stapling the non stacked leg and then blocking the kneeshield with ...
Stack Pass Fundamentals - Part 4
When you modify the stack pass to function like the over under pass, and the opponent does not allow you to pin his far leg to the floor, you can switch back to the stack pass by keeping his hip very high in the air and continuing to press his knee to his face.
Osoto Gari Takedown
This takedown uses an outside leg reap from standing. Grab a collar grip. Pull them forward to get the reaping leg to step forward. Then step your leg behind his leg, bend forward while pushing his torso down and pulling the sleeve back.