Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Kimura Trap to Tarikoplata (27-Oct-23)

    When you get the Kimura grips from half guard top or bottom positions, and the opponent defends by grabbing his belt, move your hips to a better position to enter the Tarikoplata.

  • CLASS: Kimura from kneeshield to Choi Bar and Tarikoplata (26-Oct-23)

    When doing the Kimura from your kneeshield half guard, you can do the Choi Bar (armbar) by throwing your leg over his head and under his armpit. If he defends your Kimura by grabbing his belt, you can enter the Tarikoplata.

  • CLASS: Kimura from Half Guard bottom (25-Oct-23)

    This video shows you details on how to enter and finish the kimura submission from the half guard bottom position. Enter the kimura from your kneeshield to prevent the opponent's posture defense. You can also finish from the top position if the opponent rolls forward to defend.

  • CLASS: Choi Bar and Heisen Sweep from Closed Guard (24-Oct-23)

    When you attack the omoplata from closed guard, you can turn it into an Choi Bar (belly down armbar variation) by swinging your free leg over his shoulder and under his armpit. You can also do the Choi Bar from a Kimura attack. If the Kimura attack fails, you can turn it into a Heisen Sweep.

  • CLASS: Backtake from SLX Top position (23-Oct-23)

    When you have side control, and the opponent rolls away from you, you can slide your knee under his hips for a backtake when he starts to lift his hips off the ground. Similarly, from SLX top position, you can move his legs to the outside ashi position, stack him, and then slide your knee under h...

  • CLASS: Kimura from Side Control (18-Oct-23)

    When you have top side control, and the opponent hugs your head, you can trap his far arm with a kimura grip. You can finish the kimura shoulder lock if you keep him from grabbing his body and you keep him from straightening his arm. This video includes how to effectively transition to the armbar...

  • CLASS: Attacks from Kimura Grip under side control (17-Oct-23)

    When you are under the opponent's side control, turn on your side and use your hands to block his cross-face. Then secure the Kimura grips and rotate your body towards his head to apply shoulder pressure. Then move you hips around to the other side and roll over your shoulder for a back take. Alt...

  • CLASS: Cross Collar Choke from Mount (11-Oct-23)

    When you are in mount, and the opponent's elbows are low, you can enter the cross collar choke. This video shows details on the placement of the choking arm and the supporting arm.

  • CLASS: Armbars and Barataplata from Mount

    When in mount, use the cross collar grip to get under the elbow and set up the armbar. If he defends his arm by grabbing his collar, you can enter a farside armbar by switching to the farside Smount. If he turns into you to escape his elbow, you can enter the Barataplata and finish it from guard.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Cross Collar Grip in Mount (9-Oct-23)

    When you are in mount, you can use the cross collar grip to pull him on his side to set up the Bow & Arrow Choke. If it's difficult to execute a choke, you can work your way under his elbow to isolate the nearside arm in a figure 4 grip configuration of your arms, and then pull on his arm to crea...

  • CLASS: Cross Collar Choke from Mount (9-Oct-23)

    Fundamentals of setting up the cross collar choke from mount with details that deal with the most defensive arm, bridging, and being rolled over.

  • CLASS: Kneebar from defense to double under pass (8-Oct-23)

    When the opponent defends your double under pass by spreading his legs wide apart, you can staple one leg and control the other leg with your arms. Then step over his body to enter the kneebar. If he defends with crossed legs, you can break down his defense with pressing on the toes or you can at...

  • CLASS: Seated Guard Sweeps of Standing Opponent (6-Oct-23)

    When you have a seated guard with control of one leg of a standing opponent, you can trap either the nearside or farside sleeve to do a sweep. The sweep becomes very strong when you also dive for the far pant grip to give you control of three of his limbs.

  • CLASS: Seated Guard Sweeps of Standing Opponent (5-Oct-23)

    When you have a seated guard and your opponent is standing, you have 4 options to sweep him after you capture a leg. You can sweep from behind with a shoulder bump while blocking. You can sweep from behind with a double leg hip drag. You can sweep from the front side by trapping his nearside slee...

  • CLASS: Seated Guard and Single Leg (4-Oct-23)

    Learn how to maintain the seated guard by leaning forward and using your hands and legs to maintain appropriate distance from your opponent. Use the seated guard to capture a leg and then get up for a single leg takedown. This video includes details on completing the single leg takedown. You can ...

  • CLASS: Passing Seated Guard to Subs (3-Oct-23)

    When the opponent has a seated guard and hugging your leg while your standing, use the same-side collar grip and the opposite pant grip to prevent him from sitting up for the single leg. Then back step into reverse half guard or reverse knee ride for the pass. If his arm is still hugging your leg...

  • CLASS: Standing passes of the Seated Guard (2-Oct-23)

    Use this passing combination while standing in the opponent's seated guard. Secure a collar grip and opposite pant grips to launch into a sequence using elements of shin-on-shin, X-pass, and knee cut.

  • CLASS: Seated Guard and Single Leg (2-Oct-23)

    When you have the seated guard, you are always threatening a single leg sweep or takedown by always leaning forward. When you hook a leg with your inside leg and hug that leg from your opposite arm, you can get up onto your feet to drive him to the mat.

  • CLASS: SLX to Toe Hold and Kneebar (1-Oct-23)

    You can enter the Toe Hold form SLX bottom by forcing the opponent to turn away by pushing behind his knee and then catching his toes when it's off the mat. You can also use that position to catch a kneebar. To enter the Toe Hold from the top position of SLX, you disengage both of his feet from y...

  • CLASS: Torqueing Wristlock Sequences (29-Sep-23)

    When the opponent grips your wrist from the cross-side or the same-side, you can launch into a sequence of attacks. If you are standing and he has a cross grip on your wrist, you can do a torqueing wristlock or a takedown. If you are in closed guard and he has a cross grip on your wrist, you can ...

  • CLASS: Wristlock to Barataplata to Back Take (28-Sep-23)

    When you have closed guard, and the opponent grips your wrist on the same side, you can start attacking with the wristlock. If he defends the wristlock by flaring out his elbow, you can attack the Barataplata shoulder lock. If he defends the Barataplata by trapping your leg, you can do an armdrag...

  • CLASS: Grip Breaks on Collar and Sleeves (27-Sep-23)

    Break the same-side or cross collar grip, and break the same-side or cross sleeve grip. You can apply these techniques from standing or from closed guard.

  • CLASS: Grip Breaks on Collar and Sleeves while standing (25-Sep-23)

    When both of you are standing, you can use these techniques to break the opponent's grips on your collar and sleeves. Using two hands, you can create strong breaks from either the same side or cross grips.

  • CLASS: Sneaky Wristlock Entries (25-Sep-23)

    You can get a no-gi sneaky wristlock from your closed guard if your opponent grabs your wrist on the same side. You can also get one when your opponent tries to underhook you from under your side control. From mount, you can get one when he does the vampire defense.