Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Basics of Torreando Pass (24-Jan-24)

    Basics of Torreando Pass with options. If you push his feet to the mat and angle to the side, you can complete the pass with your shoulder or your knee on his belly. Then switch your grips before moving to chest-to-chest side control If you leave his feet in the air, complete the pass with a reve...

  • CLASS: Counters to the Torreando Pass (22-Jan-24)

    Counters when your opponent attempts the Torreando Pass by getting both pant grips. Break the pant grips for early prevention while securing a counter sleeve grip (nearside or farside) for a seated guard sweep. If he gets both pant grips, you can counter with the spider guard. You can also do the...

  • CLASS: Flower Sweep Drills & Backtakes (19-Jan-24)

    This class calls out for a drill to improve the execution timing of the flower sweep and a drill to improve completion of the flower sweep when the opponent defends. It also includes a technique for getting to the crab ride, and a technique for getting to the back directly.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Flower Sweep set up (18-Jan-24)

    When the opponent uses a cross post to prevent your flower sweep, you can attack the armbar, triangle, corkscrew armbar, or crab ride backtake from the flower sweep defense.

  • CLASS: Basics of Flower Sweep (17-Jan-24)

    When the opponent is kneeling in your closed guard, you can do the Flower Sweep by securing the same side sleeve grip and the opposite pant grip. This video includes how to time the execution and apply extra force to complete the sweep.

  • CLASS: Josef Chen's Split Half Guard Pass (16-Jan-24)

    The class explores Josef Chen's Split Half Guard Pass for pressure passing flexible guards, starting with a knee cut and ending in a pass of the chest-to-chest half butterfly guard.

  • CLASS: Attack Options from Flower Sweep setup (15-Jan-24)

    When you start the Flower sweep, and the opponent defends by cross posting with his free arm, you can switch the attack to an Armbar, Triangle, Corkscrew Armbar, or Heisen Guard Sweep.

  • CLASS: Scissors Sweep Counters (12-Jan-24)

    When the opponent attempts the scissors sweep, you can do the leg weave pass into side control or into knee ride. Alternatively, you can switch your collar grip and pressure pass into a chest-to-chest half guard.

  • CLASS: Submissions from Scissors Sweep set up (11-Jan-24)

    When the opponent defends your scissors sweep, the collar and sleeve grips will allow you can pull him into an Omoplata, Armbar, or Triangle hold as an alternative attack.

  • CLASS: Scissors Sweep Basics with Options (10-Jan-24)

    Scissors Sweep has the basic grips of a cross collar and same-side sleeve grip. This video shows you how to execute the Scissors Sweep when the opponent gives resistance. You can also use the foot on the bicep to overcome the resistance, or you can transition to the Omoplata or Triangle.

  • CLASS: 2-on-1 Sleeve Attacks from Guard (8-Jan-24)

    When you have the cross sleeve and tricep grips on the opponent's sleeve from your guard, you can use them to attack the scissors sweep, arm drag to backtake, bodylock pass, pendulum sweep.

  • CLASS: Peruvian and Japanese Necktie Chokes and backup attacks (5-Jan-24)

    Review of Peruvian and Japanese Necktie Chokes. If the Peruvian Necktie Choke fails, you can pull the far arm towards you to attack the armbar or triangle from back. If the Japanese Necktie Choke fails you can switch your grip to an Anaconda Choke.

  • CLASS: Japanese Necktie Choke (4-Jan-24)

    When you can trap his arm and head from turtle top, underhook half guard top, or single leg defense, you can apply the vice grip to force him onto his knee or side. Then ensure you have the trapped leg, adjust your grip if you need to, and fall forward onto your shoulder so that your belly blocks...

  • CLASS: Attacks from failed Peruvian Necktie (3-Jan-24)

    When your opponent does not tap from your Peruvian Necktie choke attempt, you can release the seatbelt grip and grip his far arm to pull him into an armbar. If his head pops out, you can still pull his arm so that he falls into a triangle from the backside.

  • CLASS: Peruvian and Japanese Necktie Chokes (2-Jan-24)

    When your opponent is in turtle, you can set up the Peruvian Necktie choke using your gable or S grip or your own lapel. You can do a variation called the Japanese Necktie whenever you have a Darce opportunity.

  • CLASS: Defensive BJJ - Priit Mihkelson system (29-Dec-23)

    Priit Mihkelson's Defensive BJJ system has 5 distinct positions that defend against submission attempts. You can transition among the positions or exit to guard, offensive attack, or complete separation. The class explores the use of this system.

  • CLASS: Sweeps from Turtle position (28-Dec-23)

    When the opponent is next to your hip while you are in the turtle position, you can get an underhook to do the single leg sweep. If his arm is across your back, you can hold his arm in your armpit and roll onto your back for a reversal. If he is in front of you and has at least one over hook, you...

  • CLASS: Attacking the Turtle (27-Dec-23)

    When the opponent has the turtle position, you can attack him with the Helicopter Choke, Banana Split, Backtake, and Darce Choke.

  • CLASS: Von Flue Choke Counter to Guillotine (22-Dec-23)

    How to use the Von Flue Choke as a counter to the Guillotine from seated open guard, closed guard, or standing.

  • CLASS: Basics of Guillotine Choke (20-Dec-23)

    Basics of the Guillotine Choke and counters including entries from Half Guard and Closed Guard. Details are shown on the wrist and elbow positioning when using the chinstrap headlock. This video also shows you how to deal the common defense of passing to side control or rolling over.

  • CLASS: Five Finger Guillotine (19-Dec-23)

    Exploring the 5-finger Guillotine Choke developed by Karel Pravec (aka "Silver Fox"). The class tries out entries from different positions: Body Lock Pass, Mount, Technical Mount, Kneeshield Half Guard, and Snap Down.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Snap Down Headlock (18-Dec-23)

    How to snap down into a headlock with options to put him into side control or a guillotine.

  • CLASS: Counters to Underhook Half Guard (15-Dec-23)

    When the opponent has the Underhook Half Guard, you can transition to the Smash Pass position, go into Reverse Half Guard to reclaim the underhook, or do a farside knee cut.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Half Guard (14-Dec-23)

    Three half guard attacks starting from Kneeshield. Do the Underhook Half Guard Sweep with details to avoid pummeling or being smashed. Do the Kimura. Do the Reverse Sweep from Dogfight position.