Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Common uses for Butterfly Guard (21-Mar-24)

    The most common uses for the butterfly guard is to do a sweep either with same-side sleeve grip or cross-sleeve grip, guard recovery from side control, or entry into the Single Leg X position (Irimi Ashi entanglement).

  • CLASS: Butterfly Guard attacks with Collar and Sleeve Grips (19-Mar-24)

    When you have a seated butterfly guard with the cross collar and same-side sleeve grips, you can perform a collar drag and secure the belt grip or farside armpit grip. Depending on the opponent's reaction, you can attack sweeps, armlocks or the barataplata.

  • CLASS: Sneaky Helicopter Choke entries (15-Mar-24)

    You can do sneaky entries into the Helicopter Choke from the opponent's turtle, when he escapes your back control, and from your side control.

  • CLASS: Sneaky Entries to Clock Choke (14-Mar-24)

    When you have the choke grip from back control, you can enter the clock choke when you don't have hooks engaged and you have a good seat belt. You can also enter the clock choke from side control when he turns into you or away from you.

  • CLASS: Common variations of Clock Choke from turtle (13-Mar-24)

    The mechanics of the basic clock choke from the opponent's turtle position. Variations include armpit over the neck, and blocking the hip movement by grabbing the leg.

  • CLASS: Clock Choke Defenses from Turtle Bottom (11-Mar-24)

    When your opponent attempts a clock choke on your turtle position, you can sweep him over your far shoulder, bump sweep him with your back, or get an underhook to secure the single leg sweep.

  • CLASS: Review of Clark Gracie Seminar from Feb 2024 (10-Mar-24)

    Clark Gracie and his brother Ralston gave a detailed seminar at VRJJ on Wednesday 21st February 2024. This video is a review of many of the techniques that were taught at that seminar.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Guard Pull with collar-sleeve grips (8-Mar-24)

    When you are pulling guard with the collar and sleeve grips on the same side, you can enter the omoplata or scissors sweep with the foot on his far bicep. If his hand pops out of the omoplata position, you can quickly execute a wrenching armbar without moving your hip position.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Guard Pull (7-Mar-24)

    From a guard pull with the foot on the hip and collar and sleeve grips, you can do a nearside armbar, farside armbar, omoplata, or scissors sweep to mount.

  • CLASS: Basic Guard Pulls with foot on the hip (6-Mar-24)

    A common way to pull guard is to get collar and sleep and then place the foot on the hip with tension. This method allows you to sit safely while keeping the distance from the opponent once you sit.

  • CLASS: Counters to Guard Pull (4-Mar-24)

    When you can anticipate the opponent's foot-on-hip guard pull, you can counter by parrying or pushing the leg down for a pass. You can also counter the grip the sleeve and pant to perform the Sheet Pull pass.

  • CLASS: Options for Cutting Armbar setup from Closed Guard (1-Mar-24)

    From closed guard, set up the double or single cutting armbar when you get two or one hand on the mat. If the single cutting armbar fails because he curls his arm around your body, transition to the omoplata.

  • CLASS: Entries and Variations for Cutting Armbar (29-Feb-24)

    Enter the Cutting Armbar from closed guard when the opponent's hands are on the mat and you can trap his wrists at your hip or armpit. You can also enter the cutting armbar when he extends his arms to grab your leg.

  • CLASS: Cutting Armbar from Closed Guard (28-Feb-24)

    When you can hug the opponent's head and arm within your closed guard you can move into the cutting armbar by escaping your hip to the side and wrenching his arm straight.

  • CLASS: Armbar from Shoulder Crunch (26-Feb-24)

    When you have a seated butterfly guard, and your opponent is on his knees, you can hug him to enter a shoulder crunch. Then you can use the shoulder crunch to execute a cutting armbar. If he rolls, you can remain seated and pull back your leg to execute an armbar from top position when he finishe...

  • CLASS: Options from Omoplata (23-Feb-24)

    When the opponent rolls out of your omoplata, you can roll or backstep into the omoplata. You can also use the entry from closed guard to enter into Williams guard and get the meat hook sweep for finish on top

  • CLASS: Counters to the Omoplata (20-Feb-24)

    When the opponent attempts an omoplata, you can counter by stepping over his head to side control, roll onto your knees, doing a counter omoplata, doing a toe crush, or ducking under his legs for a pass.

  • CLASS: Basics of Omoplata (21-Feb-24)

    How to enter the omoplata from closed guard, how to finish the shoulder lock, and how to deal with common resistance.

  • CLASS: Passing Quarter Guard and Knee Shield (2-Feb-24)

    When the opponent has quarter guard, you can pass with a mount, farside knee cut, or backtake. When he has kneeshield, you can reset his hips to get the standard knee cut, X pass, or smash pass.

  • CLASS: Options when Knee Cut fails (1-Feb-24)

    When your standard knee cut pass does not work, you have options to do double-underhook 3/4 mounted pass, Farside Knee Cut pass, X pass, or Smash pass.

  • CLASS: Basics of Knee Cut Pass and common resistance (31-Jan-24)

    How to do the knee cut pass from standing in open guard and from kneeshield half guard top, including overcoming common counters like kneeshield, bump forward, turning onto side, and quarter guard.

  • CLASS: Knee Cut Passing Styles (29-Jan-24)

    The class explores different knee cut passing styles. They cover Andre Galvao's Pressure Knee Cut where you place your knee on the sternum and pull his upper body into your knee before going into the knee cut. They cover Clark Gracie's Knee Cut over shins where you control the head to consolidate...

  • CLASS: Torreando techniques against Spider Guard (26-Jan-24)

    When you are going for the Torreando Pass by securing 2 pant grips, your opponent often counters with Spider Guard. These are techniques you can use to overcome the counters of the spider guard.

  • CLASS: Chaining Torreando Techniques (25-Jan-24)

    Drills for students designed to help them become aware of solutions to common defensive reactions to the torreando pass, especially in dealing with the spider guard.