Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Spider Guard to X and De La Riva Sweeps (26-Apr-24)

    When you have Spider Guard, and your opponent stands up, you can use the double sleeve grips to enter the X guard or the De La Riva guard with the advantage of a sleeve grip. You can use that grip advantage to complete a sweep forward backwards, or overhead.

  • CLASS: Spider Guard to Sweeps from X and De La Riva Guards (25-Apr-24)

    When you have double sleeve grips in spider guard, you can transition to the X Guard or De La Riva (DLR) guards with a sleeve grip. Then you can execute sweeps from the X or DLR guard with the advantage of maintaining a sleeve grip.

  • CLASS: Basics of Spider Guard Retention (24-Apr-24)

    Learn the basics of how to enter and retain spider guard using the double sleeve grip and the feet on the hips or bicep. You can use spider guard to do a scissors sweep, regardless of whether he is standing or on his knees.

  • CLASS: Spider Guard Attacks from Standing (23-Apr-24)

    When you have the double sleeve grips while your opponent is standing, you can use the Spider Guard Scissors sweep to get him to step over your leg so you can transition into 50/50 and then do a 70/30 sweep. If you also have the option to go into backside X-guard for a sweep, regardless of whethe...

  • CLASS: Intro to Spider Guard (22-Apr-24)

    This is an introduction to the the spider guard, including its definition and basic uses. You can use it to retain guard, sweep the opponent, or enter the triangle submission hold.

  • CLASS: Spider Guard Attacks on kneeling opponent (22-Apr-24)

    When you have spider guard with double sleeve grip, and the opponent is kneeling with both knees or in combat base (with one knee on mat), you can attack armbars, omoplata, triangle.

  • CLASS: Counters to the Underhook Escape from Side Control (19-Apr-24)

    When your opponent attempts to escape your side control by securing an underhook, you can step over his body into a technical mount and launch attacks with a Kimura, omoplata, monoplata, or gold chain armbar.

  • CLASS: Counters to Underhook Escapes (18-Apr-24)

    When you have side control, and your opponent secures an underhook as part of his escape, you can use that underhook to attack that arm and shoulder. You can do a Kimura, wristlock, omoplata, monoplata, or armbar.

  • CLASS: Basic Side Control Escapes (17-Apr-24)

    When your opponent attempts to get to chest-to-chest side control, use prevention by turning on your side and framing both of your arms on his arm that he would use for head control. If he gets to a tight side control with head control on you, then you start with arm frames and keep adding to you...

  • CLASS: Side Control Reversals (16-Apr-24)

    Roy Dean's favorite side control escape is to use a stiff arm to bait the opponent to switch base and then place your elbow or knee underneath his leg when he switches. Then you can use a stiff arm and your arm and leg under his leg to sweep him across your body. Brian Peterson's favorite side co...

  • CLASS: Passing the Lasso Guard (11-Apr-24)

    When your opponent has the Lasso Guard, you can pass by either removing his lasso hook to enter the Over Under Pass or by smashing his lasso leg down to enter the Leg Weave Pass or Mount.

  • CLASS: Basics of Lasso Catapult Sweep (10-Apr-24)

    When you have a lasso grip on one arm, and you place your shin across the opponent's chest, you can do the lasso catapult sweep over your body once you can load his weigh onto your shin.

  • CLASS: Lasso Spin Under Attacks (9-Apr-24)

    When you have the lasso grip, you can spin under to attack the triangle, tornado sweep, or omoplata. You can also use the lasso spin under principle to counter the leg weave attack.

  • CLASS: Basics of the Lasso Catapult Sweep (8-Apr-24)

    When you have double sleeve grips from closed guard or from standing open guard, you can enter the Lasso Catapult Sweep by entangling your leg around one arm. Then you put your other shin across the opponent's body to execute a sweep. You can overcome common resistance by the opponent such as rot...

  • CLASS: Lasso Attacks on Farside (8-Apr-24)

    When you have a tight lasso grip on the opponent's arm, you can use it to move the opponent's shoulder to the mat and attack his farside with a corkscrew armbar, switch backtake, or omoplata.

  • CLASS: Stack Pass Basics and Common Counters (5-Apr-24)

    When you have double unders from the opponent's open guard, you can do the stack pass by using your body pressure on his legs to complete a pass. When you modify the pass to pin the farside knee to the mat, you can also create a passing opportunity on the other side. This class also shows two com...

  • CLASS: Counters to the Stack Pass (4-Apr-24)

    When your opponent attempts a Stack Pass, put your feet on his hips and grip both of his sleeves. Then you can enter a backtake, triangle, or omoplata. If he gets your legs onto his shoulders where you cannot put your feet on his hips, you can do the elbow push to retain your guard.

  • CLASS: Double Under Stack Pass and Over-Under options (3-Apr-24)

    When your opponent's legs are open, you can secure double underhooks on his legs to enter the stack pass by lifting his hips high. If you cannot lift his hips, you can enter the Over-Under option where you pin his far knee to the mat, which will give you options of the stack pass or knee cut. If ...

  • CLASS: Attacks from Turtle and Crucifix positions (1-Apr-24)

    When you are in the top position of your opponent's turtle, you can enter the Crucifix position by capturing his nearside arm between your legs and his farside arm with your arms. Then you can launch attacks of the choke, armbar, and kimura.

  • CLASS: Lapel attacks from Half Guard top (28-Mar-24)

    When you have chest-to-chest half guard top position and the opponent turns into you, you can use the opponent's farside lapel to do the brabo choke with or without his arm trapped. If he turns away, you can use the lapel to take his back and immediately choke him.

  • CLASS: Passing the Half Guard using opponent's lapel (27-Mar-24)

    When you have chest-to-chest-half guard, you can use the opponent's farside lapel to pin his shoulder for a pass technique. You can also use the farside lapel for a choke option without passing the guard.

  • CLASS: Half Guard Pass using opponent's lapel (25-Mar-24)

    When you have chest-to-chest half guard, you can pass by securing a grip on the opponent's farside lapel under his armpit. This video deals with the basic technique and how to deal with common resistance.

  • CLASS: Lapel and Collar Chokes from top (25-Mar-24)

    When you have side control or knee ride, you can secure palm up and palm down grips on the opponent's collar or farside lapel to enter chokes from North South. You can also use the same 2 grips on either the collar or lapel to enter the Baseball Bat Choke.

  • CLASS: Entries to Butterfly Hook Sweep (22-Mar-24)

    When your opponent is on his knees and you have a cross sleeve grip, you can do an arm drag to secure a grip on his back and enter the hook sweep. You can also enter the hook sweep from the opponent's knee slice pass attempt.