Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Submission Attacks from Collar & Sleeve Guard (4-Jun-24)

    The Collar & Sleeve Guard is the cross-collar and same-side sleeve grips with your foot on his far bicep. Learn how to retain this guard and launch submission attacks from it. You can enter the Triangle hold where you can finish an Armbar or Choke. If you pass your leg under his armpit and over h...

  • CLASS: Attacks when opponent defends the Collar Drag (31-May-24)

    When the opponent underhooks you to do defend the collar drag, you can enter the omoplata position and complete a shoulder lock or sweep. If he stiff arms you to defend the collar drag, you can enter a corkscrew armbar or wrenching armbar. If he does not tap and does not roll, you can get onto yo...

  • CLASS: Collar Drag to Omoplata or Armbar (30-May-24)

    When your attempt a Collar Drag sweep, and the opponent defends with an underhook, you can attack the Omoplata. If he defends with a collar grip, you can attack with a corkscrew armbar or a wrenching armbar.

  • CLASS: Collar Drag Sweep and Takedown with Backtake option (29-May-24)

    When you can secure a cross collar grip, you can do a sweep from the seated butterfly guard. If you both are standing, then the cross collar grip will give you the opportunity for a takedown by getting to the leg. If his hands and knees are on the mat from the collar drag, you also have the optio...

  • CLASS: Collar Drag Sweep and Takedown (27-May-24)

    When you secure a cross collar grip on the opponent, you can drag his upper body passed your body to get closer to his leg. If you do this from a seated butterfly guard, you can flip him over for a sweep. If you do this from standing, you can flip him over for a takedown. If he stands up, you can...

  • CLASS: Collar Drag to Loop Choke and Omoplata (27-May-24)

    When you attempt the Collar Drag sweep from the seated Butterfly Guard, and your opponent circles his legs away from you, you can trap his head to threaten the Loop Choke. He either rolls out of the choke and you get side control, or you can finish the loop choke by grabbing his leg to enter the ...

  • CLASS: Footlocks from Butterfly Ashi position (24-May-24)

    When you have the foot and leg trapped, but your opponent defends your body's rotation, you can reconfigure the leg entanglement to Butterfly Ashi to assist in the finishing of the straight footlock. You can enter the Butterfly Ashi directly or from the Single Leg X (SLX) position while the oppon...

  • CLASS: Straight Footlock from Butterfly Ashi (23-May-24)

    The Butterfly Ashi position is a type of leg entanglement for a straight footlock. Normally entered from a reconfiguration of the Single Leg X (SLX) entanglement. You can apply the Butterfly Ashi entanglement and finish the straight footlock when the opponent is seated or standing.

  • CLASS: Finishing the Basic Straight Footlock (22-May-24)

    How to set up a tight clamp on the foot and the leg to finish the straight footlock. We go over the common defenses of the "boot" and keeping your leg clamp open. If they pop your foot off the hip to open your leg clamp, you rotate to prevent further defenses.

  • CLASS: Basics of Straight Footlock from Straight Ashi (20-May-24)

    Fundamentals of the Straight Footlock (aka Ankle Lock) submission from the Straight Ashi position (aka Single Leg X or SLX), including dealing with common defense and escape reactions such as "putting on boot" and rotating out.

  • CLASS: Footlock sequence from top position of a Closed Guard Break (20-May-24)

    After breaking the closed guard in the top position, immediately catch the foot and fall into the Single Leg X position for a footlock. If the opponent hops off your leg, you can switch to attack the other foot. If he stands up, you can still attack the footlock if you keep his weight on the far ...

  • CLASS: Escapes from Arm Triangle (16-May-24)

    When your opponent locks in the Arm Triangle (aka Head & Arm Choke), you can escape by pulling your arm back in front of his head or by bridging away from him and move towards getting back onto your knees. When an opponent does one of these escapes on you, you can reconfigure your submission hold...

  • CLASS: Arm Triangle with finish in Mount or Half Guard (15-May-24)

    You can enter the Arm Triangle (aka Head & Arm Choke) from your side control and finish Knee Ride, Mount, or in Half Guard so long as you drop adjust the appropriate areas and tighten the choke by dropping your outside hip weight.

  • CLASS: Basics of the Arm Triangle (Head & Arm Choke) (13-May-24)

    The Arm Triangle (aka Head & Arm Choke) can be set up from Side Control or Mount with emphasis on adjusting the tightness and location of the shoulder on the opponent's neck.

  • CLASS: Escaping the Arm Triangle (13-May-24)

    You can defend against the Arm Triangle Choke (aka Head & Arm Choke) by grabbing your leg. From there you can rock up and then back to put your arm back in front of his head, or you can rock to your side and then bridge away from him while turning onto your knees. You can also bridge immediately ...

  • CLASS: Smash & Rugby Passes from Kneeshield Half Guard (10-May-24)

    When opponent has kneeshield half guard, you can smash the knees together to complete the smash pass (aka folding pass) or the rugby pass. When you do the rugby pass and he stiff arms your body to prevent advancing the side control, you can transition to reverse knee ride. You can use the rugby p...

  • CLASS: How Rugby and Smash Passes are linked (9-May-24)

    The Rugby pass is requires the smashing of knees together, like the Smash Pass (aka Folding Pass). However, you pass on the front side with the Rugby pass instead of passing on the backside in the Smash Pass. This video shows you how the Rugby and Smash passes are linked, where you can enter eith...

  • CLASS: Basics of the Smash (Folding) Pass (8-May-24)

    The Smash pass (aka Folding pass) is pinning the opponent's knees to the same side and applying your weight on his knees to control the pass. You can enter it from the opponent's open guard or kneeshield half guard. You also have the option to weave your leg between his legs for better control of...

  • CLASS: Passing from Headquarters Position (6-May-24)

    From DLR, you can move into the Headquarters position to gain passing options. You can either keep his knees apart, smash his knees together, or move into knee cut pass.

  • CLASS: X-Guard Entries and Attacks (2-May-24)

    How to enter X-Guard from Open Guard and Spider Guard. Execute sweeps from X-Guard with ankle pick, overhead, technical get up, or forward sweep. Also, enter backside X-Guard to complete a back sweep.

  • CLASS: Basic X-Guard Entries & Sweeps (1-May-24)

    How to enter the X-Guard from butterfly guard whether the opponent is standing or kneeling. Once in X-Guard, you can do back sweeps by controlling the far leg, or do the technical get up sweep by lifting the nearside leg.

  • CLASS: Entry and Sweeps from Backside X-Guard (29-Apr-24)

    Entry to the X Guard from Butterfly guard. To enter backside X Guaurd, get the opponent to fall forward onto his hands, and then lift the nearside leg and place it on the other side of your head and immediately grab his hip. Then from there, you can do a sweep or backtake.

  • CLASS: Intro to X Guard with Basic Entries & Sweeps (29-Apr-24)

    Intro to the X Guard position with entries from butterfly and open guards. Learn simple back sweeps with far leg grip or ankle pick, learn forward sweep with the far sleeve grip, and learn the get up sweep with single leg.

  • CLASS: Spider Guard to X and De La Riva Sweeps (26-Apr-24)

    When you have Spider Guard, and your opponent stands up, you can use the double sleeve grips to enter the X guard or the De La Riva guard with the advantage of a sleeve grip. You can use that grip advantage to complete a sweep forward backwards, or overhead.