Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Armbar and Mounted Triangle from Paper Cutter Grips (4-Jul-24)

    When you isolate the arm during the Paper Cutter Choke attempt, you can transition to the nearside Armbar or Mounted Triangle Choke.

  • CLASS: Paper Cutter Choke Basics (3-Jul-24)

    The Paper Cutter Choke requires a grip on the far collar and a grip on the near shoulder. This video shows you the basic setup from side control and north south positions. You can also set this up in side control by securing the shoulder grip first to isolate one arm, connect the forearm to next,...

  • CLASS: Paper Cutter Choke, Setups and Finish (1-Jul-24)

    The Paper Cutter Choke from Side Control requires a grip with the forearm across the neck, and a grip on the nearside shoulder to prevent him from turning into you. You can set up this choke from Side Control, North South, or from doing a Stack Pass.

  • CLASS: Basics of Original Worm Guard (1-Jul-24)

    When you have control of the opponent's leg and his far lapel from your open guard, you can set up the Worm Guard, created by Keenan Cornelius. The Worm Guard traps your leg against the opponent's hip and gives you opportunity for a sweep or backtake. If he defends your backtake, you can catch hi...

  • CLASS: Transitions to the X Pass (28-Jun-24)

    When the opponent has in the butterfly guard, reverse De La Riva guard, or the De La Riva guard, you can break it down to quickly transition to the X Pass before he has time to reconfigure his guard.

  • CLASS: Shin-on-Shin Passing of Open Guard (27-Jun-24)

    When you put yourself into shin-on-shin from your opponent's open seated guard, secure the pant and collar grips to execute passing. You can pass on the same side shin-on-shin or the cross side shin-on-shin. If you get the collar & sleeve grips instead you can directly pass using the step-through...

  • CLASS: Basic X Pass Techniques from Standing (26-Jun-24)

    When you are dealing with the open guard, use the X Pass to clear his hooks and then move your legs around his legs to insert a divider between his chest and knee. The method of pinching his knees together helps you finish the X Pass in kneeride. The method of putting you hands on his hip and kne...

  • CLASS: Common X Pass Variations (24-Jun-24)

    The X Pass provides a quick way to pass while keeping on the outside of the opponent's legs. One common way is to pinch the knees together while kicking backwards to the ceiling to clear any guard and then stepping into knee ride. Another variation is to place your hands on his hip and nearside k...

  • CLASS: Shin-on-Shin Passing of the Seated Open Guard (24-Jun-24)

    When you approach the opponent's seated open guard, you can use shin-on-shin to stay on the outside of his legs. Securing the collar and opposite pant grip will give you control needed for quick passing options from the shin-on-shin.

  • CLASS: Kimura from Closed Guard to Backtake, Choibar, or Triangle (21-Jun-24)

    When the opponent grabs his belt to defend your Kimura from closed guard, place your foot on his hip to escape your far leg. Use your far leg to transition to a switch backtake, an armbar (aka choibar), or a triangle.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Failed Kimura in Closed Guard (20-Jun-24)

    When the opponent grabs his belt, you can launch attacks of backtakes and sweep. You can also use your legs to re-enforce a tight shoulder lock or do the Tarikoplata.

  • CLASS: Fundamentals of Kimura from Closed Guard (19-Jun-24)

    Use your closed guard to set up the Kimura shoulder lock submission. Work on closing the distance and keeping the opponent's arm bent and lock your Kimura grip into place. Then move your hips out from underneath him to get a better angle for the finish. Finally, compress his entire arm before app...

  • CLASS: Entering and Finishing the Kimura from Closed Guard (17-Jun-24)

    Basics of entering the Kimura grip from Closed Guard and then details on how to finish the shoulder lock from the Kimura grip from closed guard. If he grabs his belt to defend, you can transition to a backtake.

  • CLASS: Backtake & Armbar Counters to Kimura Defense of Belt Grip (17-Jun-24)

    When the opponent defends your Kimura from closed guard by gripping his belt, you can move your hips and legs to transform your attack to a backtake or armbar.

  • CLASS: Breaking Armbar Defense Grips (14-Jun-24)

    When the opponent defends your Armbar from Mount with a defensive grip (wrist grip, S-grip, gable grip, or figure 4 bicep grip), you can break the grip to complete the armbar without switching your position.

  • CLASS: Breaking Defensive Grips on your Armbar from Mount (13-Jun-24)

    Learn how to break the Wrist grip, Gable grip, and Figure 4 bicep grip to complete your Armbar from Mount. You can also do a bicep slicer on his Figure 4 bicep grip.

  • CLASS: Setup and Finishing the Armbar from S-Mount (12-Jun-24)

    Understanding the Armbar from S-mount can be broken down into the finishing part, the falling back part and the entry from regular mount. Coach Riki details the fundamental process starting with the finishing part.

  • CLASS: S-Mount Armbar Position, Maintenance, and Finish (10-Jun-24)

    When you have mount, the S-Mount position will give you tight control of the arms so that you can finish an armbar. This video shows you a way on how to enter it from a low mount, how to keep the position tight, how to deal with the defending arm, how to switch the side of the S-Mount, and how to...

  • CLASS: Counters to the Hitchhiker Armbar Escape (10-Jun-24)

    When the opponent does the Hitchhiker escape from your Armbar from mount, you can configure your legs to catch him in a triangle choke hold, Armbar, or Tarikoplata shoulder lock.

  • CLASS: Brabo and Loop Chokes from Cross Collar or Lapel Grip (7-Jun-24)

    When you have the cross lapel grip, you can enter the Brabo Choke from Guard or from Side Control top. If you have the Cross Collar grip, you can enter the Loop Choke and finish in half guard, or finish with the arm in.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Cross-Collar or Cross-Lapel Grip (6-Jun-24)

    When you are in side control, use the opponent's far lapel to set up a Brabo Choke using cross lapel grip. When you have the cross collar grip, you can use the collar drag to set up a cross collar choke. When you have the Collar & Sleeve guard, you can use the Scissors sweep to set up the Right-A...

  • CLASS: Basic Cross Collar Choke with Common Grip Variations (5-Jun-24)

    The Cross Collar Choke requires a deep cross collar grip with a clean connection to the opponent's carotid artery on the neck. Your second grip can vary to keep the head and shoulders still while you apply the choke. This video explores common variations of the grip and control of the opponent's ...

  • CLASS: Submission Attacks from Collar & Sleeve Guard (4-Jun-24)

    The Collar & Sleeve Guard is the cross-collar and same-side sleeve grips with your foot on his far bicep. Learn how to retain this guard and launch submission attacks from it. You can enter the Triangle hold where you can finish an Armbar or Choke. If you pass your leg under his armpit and over h...

  • CLASS: Attacks when opponent defends the Collar Drag (31-May-24)

    When the opponent underhooks you to do defend the collar drag, you can enter the omoplata position and complete a shoulder lock or sweep. If he stiff arms you to defend the collar drag, you can enter a corkscrew armbar or wrenching armbar. If he does not tap and does not roll, you can get onto yo...