Class Instructions

Class Instructions

These are videos of the instructions during classes at VR Jiu-Jitsu. Ideal for the VRJJ student who needs to review techniques taught in class or to keep up to date on the week's topics.

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Class Instructions
  • CLASS: Sequence for Footlock, Ham Sandwich, Toe Hold, Knee Bar (24-Sep-23)

    When the opponent is in combat base position within your SLX, you can lift his foot off the mat to put on a tight footlock hold and turn your hips outward to get his bum on the mat to finish the footlock. If he turns in the opposite direction to prevent falling onto the mat, you can trap him in a...

  • CLASS: Sneaky Overhook Attacks (22-Sep-23)

    Use the closed guard to enter an overhook on his arm. Then you can execute a sneaky Punch Choke or Americana. You can also get his hands on the mat and hug his head to enter the double underhook and get him in a double Armbar or double Americana.

  • CLASS: Ezikiel Chokes and Variations (20-Sep-23)

    You can enter the Ezikiel Choke hold from almost any position where you can hug the opponent's head. This video shows you the basic choke and options with the fist, with nogi, and with arm-in.

  • CLASS: Sneaky Americanas and Kimuras (19-Sep-23)

    When in side control top, you can switch you hips facing the head and push the opponent's wrist to the mat to complete an Americana. You can also staple his wrist and slip your other foot under his elbow to lock in a kimura. When under side control, push his arm between your leg and attack the Am...

  • CLASS: Ezikiel Chokes from Everywhere (18-Sep-23)

    The Ezikiel Choke is an easy choke that can be done anywhere you can hug the head with one arm. Grab your own sleeve and trap the opponent's head in between your forearms, and then straighten out both of your arms. This video also shows variations of the Ezikiel Choke.

  • CLASS: Stiff Arm and Corkscrew Armbar options (18-Sep-23)

    You can use the stiff arm to escape the double under pass and leg throw-by pass from your spider guard. You can enter the corkscrew armbar from your opponent's stiff arm escape, or whenever your opponent grips your lapel while you have guard.

  • CLASS: Toe Hold from SLX and Knee Shield top (17-Sep-23)

    When you have top position for SLX and knee shield half guard, the toe hold is available to you. This video shows you entry and finish from the seated position and then how to secure the grip from the top positions of SLX and knee shield.

  • CLASS: Using Stiff Arm in Combination for Escapes (15-Sep-23)

    When the opponent has a very good side control, you can use the Stiff Arm and Elbow Push escapes in combination with other techniques to regain your guard. You can use the stiff arm when he attempt to put his elbow on the other side of your face, or when he switches his hips facing you. You can a...

  • CLASS: Corkscrew Armbars from Closed Guard (14-Sep-23)

    Details on the mechanics of the entry and finish for the Corkscrew Armbar. Common entries from the omoplata and standard armbar from closed guard.

  • CLASS: Stiff Arm Escape from Side Control (13-Sep-23)

    When your opponent attempts to bring his elbow to the other side of your head to prevent you from turning into him, you can use the stiff arm escape by pushing on his elbow or armpit with your arm and body aligned in a frame that will allow you to sit up and re-guard.

  • CLASS: Entries to Corkscrew Armbar (12-Sep-23)

    This video shows you the important finishing mechanics of the Corkscrew Armbar and several entries: (1) collar drag, (2) omoplata from guard, (3) back control, (4) De La Riva guard, and (5) standard armbar from guard.

  • CLASS: Stiff Arm and Elbow Push Escapes (11-Sep-23)

    When the opponent has passed your knees but has not yet gained control of your head in side control, you can lock out your arm while pushing his arm to prevent him from controlling your head. Then sit up, turn away from him, while scooting your hips away to gain guard again.

  • CLASS: Lapel Spin-Under Takedown (11-Sep-23)

    When the opponent has the same side collar grip on you, get a cross collar grip on his sleeve to trap his grip on your collar. Then get your own grip with your forearm underneath his elbow. Pull his posture down and then spin under his arm for the takedown.

  • CLASS: Kneebar from Reverse Half Guard Top (10-Sep-23)

    When you have half guard top, backstep into reverse half guard and sit on the opponent's hip. Then grab the knee with the outside arm, grab the heel with your inside hand, and sit onto the floor to straighten out his leg for a kneebar. You can do this from his open guard, half guard, or De La Riva.

  • CLASS: Farside Giftwrap Attacks from Side Control (8-Sep-23)

    When you trap the opponent's farside arm in front of his face from your side control, you can trap a straight-jacket and then farside S-Mount armbar. You can also do a farside entry into the back triangle.

  • CLASS: Farside Spinning Armbar (6-Sep-23)

    When you have knee ride, and your opponent pushes his hand against your knee to alleviate the pressure, you can get an underhook and step over his head into an armbar. You can also do a similar armbar from side control if you have tighter control of his arm. This video includes a grip breaking te...

  • CLASS: Underhook attacks from Side Control to Turtle (5-Sep-23)

    When the opponent turns to his side and attempts to get onto his knees, you can launch into a loop choke if you have the underhook. If he gets the underhook, then you can do a kneeling kimura, omoplata, or monoplata.

  • CLASS: Attacks from Side Control (4-Sep-23)

    When opponent underhooks his nearside arm to attempt a Ghost Escape, you can do an nearside armbar. When he underhooks his farside arm, you can step over his chest to isolate and attack his far arm or shoulder. If he underhooks his farside arm and gets onto his knees, you can execute an overhook ...

  • CLASS: Farside Spinning Armbar (4-Sep-23)

    When you have knee ride and the opponent uses his far arm to push on your knee, you can underhook his arm and spin into the farside armbar. You can also enter this armbar if he hugs your head to defend your Americana from side control.

  • CLASS: SLX to Backside 50/50 Finish (3-Sep-23)

    When you have SLX (Single Leg X), you can buckle his knees outwards to get a sweep, put him into 50/50, and catch a false grip. If he rotates in the direction of the heel hook, you can finish him from Backside 50/50. Alternatively from SLX, if he turns his knee the other way, you can enter direct...

  • CLASS: Attacks from Side Control (1-Sep-23)

    From side control, get a thumb in grip on the cross face arm, then step over head to get the Canto Choke. You can also start with an Americana attack to get the opponent to roll onto his side. When you trap him on his side you can launch the Half Nelson choke, Ezikiel Choke, or nearside Armbar us...

  • CLASS: North South Gi Chokes (31-Aug-23)

    When you have side control and the opponent hugs your head, you can keep him from returning his arm in front of his head while you set up your north south gi chokes. You can do this using his lapel or his collar.

  • CLASS: Americana and Chest-to-Chest Armlock from Top (30-Aug-23)

    Basics of Americana from side control and mount. You can also do a chest-to-chest armlock when the opponent defends by straightening his arm.

  • CLASS: Sneaky Armbar and Loop Choke (29-Aug-23)

    When you set up the paper cutter choke from North South, you can get a sneaky armbar with the grips. When he defends your armbar by connecting his hands, you can grip the nearside collar and take your leg off his head to score a sneaky loop choke. You can also set this all up starting from back c...