

This collection of videos outlines the fundamental techniques that a BJJ practitioner is required to know before he can be considered for promotion to the Blue Belt rank.

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  • Escaping Side Control using Frames

    When in the closed guard, you can build a frame to recover your guard. Start with your forearms, then bridge and shrimp to create space for adding your knees or feet. Then you can get butterfly or closed guard.

  • Americana from Side Control top

    When you have side control on your opponent, and he puts arm frame in front of your head, you can attack his arm with an Americana shoulder lock by pushing his wrist to the mat and connecting your arms.

  • Farside Armbar from chest-to-chest side control

    When you have side control, and you isolate the opponent's far arm, you push his wrist to the mat and interconnect your arms to do a cutting armbar.

  • Hip Drag Takedown

    When standing, if you get hug the hips from a back angle, you can trip the far leg and drag the hip to the mat for a takedown.

  • Grip Break - Sleeve and Collar using 2 hands

    When opponent grabs the hem of your sleeve (cross or same side), an easy grip break is to use 2 hands. You can also use 2 hands to break a collar grip (cross or same side).

  • Maintaining Good Back Control

    To maintain good back control, you must ensure a good seat belt and a good chest-to-back connection with your shoulder glued to the back of the neck. When the opponent is trying to escape, keep a good chest-to-back connection regardless of the configuration of the hook.

  • Maintaining Side Control

    This video shows the proper way to hold down side control using tightness instead of heavy smashing. Use the cross face to prevent him from turning into you, stay on the balls of your feet, and keep center of gravity very low.

  • Pulling Closed Guard

    When you start a match in the standing position, and you want the closed guard position, secure grips on the collar and sleeve. Then put a foot on the hip and sit down while pulling down his upper body. If he remains standing after you sit, raise your hips off the ground using the foot on his hip...

  • Maintaining Seated Open Guard

    This video shows you the details of how the open guard should be maintained. Sit up leaning forward with your knees wide apart.

  • Maintaining Mount and Technical Mount

    The mount position is sitting on the torso below the shoulder line. Your legs must be beneath one or two arms. You can also use the technical mount as the opponent moves onto his side by redistributing your weight among your knee, foot, and hip.