Folding Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard
5m 29s
When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you can grip his knees and bring to the far side and slide your knee between his thighs. Keep head low against his shoulder and clear his hooks. Then pass to the original side.
Up Next in Fundamentals
Leg Weave Pass from Knee Shield Half ...
When the opponent has a knee shield half guard, you can use your shoulder or chest to pinch the knees together, place your head on the far shoulder and grip the collar to complete the leg weave pass.
Seated Guard Sweeps and Single Leg Ta...
This video explains the when the seated guard is appropriate, and shows the sweeps and takedowns you can do with capturing one leg in your seated guard. You can "run the pipe," do a hip drag, or do a double leg takedown.
Finishing the Leg Drag Pass from real...
When opponent counters your leg drag by shrimping into you, or by stepping over his own leg, you can still finish the leg drag pass with these techniques.