

These videos show you techniques from various top and bottom positions that allow you to access your opponent's back.

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  • Double Under Stack Pass defense to Back Take counter

    You can use your legs to perform a wrestler's switch for a back take when your opponent attempts to do a stack pass from double underhooks on your legs.

  • Knee Shield Pass to Back Take using Kimura grip

    You can get passed the knee shield by threatening a Kimura and switching the side of your hip weight. You can pass the guard posting your head to the mat to clear the foot. Then you can roll forward to land on your back, and you can take the opponent's back when he tries to get up onto his knees ...

  • Maintaining Good Back Control

    To maintain good back control, you must ensure a good seat belt and a good chest-to-back connection with your shoulder glued to the back of the neck. When the opponent is trying to escape, keep a good chest-to-back connection regardless of the configuration of the hook.

  • Backtake from Mount

    When you have mount and the opponent turns to one side in an effort to push one of your legs into a guard, you can trap him on his side and apply a giftwrap hold to and sit back to pull him onto the other side for back control.

  • Backtake from Side Control

    When you have side control, you can push the opponent onto his side, apply a giftwrap, align your shin to his back, sit back, and pull him to the other side for the backtake.

  • Backtake from De La Riva Baby Bolo

    Backtake from De La Riva guard by making the DLR hook deep onto the far hip. Then apply crab ride hooks from behind, grab belt, and scoot over to back angle.

  • Heisen Guard to Backtake

    When you get into the Heisen Guard, but you are unable to sweep your opponent using the standard sweep from Heisen Guard, you can drive his shoulder to the mat using both legs, and the sit up to access the back.

  • Collar Drag to Backtake

    When you use the Collar Drag, either from standing or from your seated guard, you can use it to gain access to his back if you immediately secure a grip near his far armpit.

  • Backtake from Papercutter grips

    When you have the papercutter choke grips, but your opponent tightly defends the choke with his arm pressed against his chest and neck, you can lift him up to take the back.