All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

VR Jiu-Jitsu's head coach is Van Robertson, a first-degree Black Belt under Pedro Fernandes of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu in Auckland.

Van has been teaching Jiu Jitsu over a decade, and is now bringing her style of teaching online for anyone who wishes to supplement their current learning of the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

VR Jiu Jitu is an official team affiliate of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu, and VRJJ members often cross train with other Tu Kaha affiliate members to broaden their training experience.

All footage is recorded live in actual classes. New videos are posted weekly. Audio quality may vary due to background noises within the gym.

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals
  • Cutting Armbar to Omoplata from Closed Guard

    When your opponent defends your cutting armbar from closed guard by curling his wrist backwards, grab his nearside collar and enter the omoplata. This video includes details on how to move your hips to prevent a stronger opponent from posturing.

  • Cutting Armbar entries from open guard

    When you are in the seated butterfly position in open guard, and the opponent extends arm to grip your leg, you can start wrenching his elbow and then move into the cutting armbar position for the finish or sweep.

  • Cutting Armbar to Americana from closed guard

    When you set up the cutting armbar with the opponent's wrist trapped in your armpit, and he turns his elbow in to avoid the armbar, you can transition to the Amerciana.

  • Cutting Armbars from Closed Guard with hands trapped on hips

    When you force his hands on the mat from your closed guard, you can immediately cup his elbows with your palms. When he pulls up you trap his wrists at your hips. Then open your guard to reinforce the pressure on his elbows with your thighs. You can do a double cutting armbar if you trap both wri...

  • Options from cutting armbar when opponent's shoulder hits mat

    When doing the cutting armbar and the opponent's shoulder goes low to alleviate the pressure, you can create more pressure by raising his wrist. If he rolls out you can get up to secure a dominant top position or complete a kimura from the north south position.

  • Cutting Armbar from Closed Guard with wrenching details

    When doing the cutting armbar from closed guard, you first need to connect the shoulder to your chest and then start wrenching the arm as you move your hips into position for the finish.

  • Armbar when opponent rolls out of cutting armbar

    When your opponent rolls out of your cutting armbar from guard, remain seated and pull back your legs so you can finish an armbar from top position when he finishes the roll.

  • Cutting Armbar from Shoulder Crunch in Butterfly Guard

    When you have butterfly guard and your opponent is on his knees, you can control his upper body by securing a shoulder crunch and then stretch out his arm and body for a cutting armbar.

  • Omoplata to Williams Guard to Meat Hook Sweep

    When opponent grabs your foot from your omoplata, enter the Williams Guard by grabbing his collar under your leg, and then control his far sleeve to execute the Meat Hook Sweep and finish with a shoulder lock or armbar from top position.

  • Back Step into Omoplata when opponent rolls out of Omoplata

    When the opponent rolls out of your omoplata attempt, you can re-enter the omoplata by entering into the bicep sandwich and then taking a back step to pull his shoulder to the other side.

  • Rolling into second Omoplata when opponent rolls out of first Omoplata

    When the opponent rolls out of your first omoplata attempt, you can roll forward into a second one. You can stop him from re-rolling out of your second omoplata by grabbing his hip as you come up from your roll.

  • Omoplata Counter with Toe Crush or Duck Under Pass

    When the opponent applies crosses his legs with a figure four while attempting an omoplata on you, you can counter with a toe crush or a duck under pass.

  • Counter the Omoplata with your own Omoplata

    When the opponent overhooks your leg while attempting an omoplata, you can secure a grip on his sleeve and roll forward into a counter of your own omoplata.

  • Omoplata Escape by Rolling Over Far Shoulder (Renzo Roll)

    You can escape the omoplata by rolling over your far shoulder and the immediately swing back onto your knees. You can then jump over his legs, to pass the guard.

  • Omoplata Counter by Stepping Over Head

    You can counter the omoplata by stepping both legs over the head and passing into side control.

  • Positional Options from Omoplata Sweep

    When the opponent rolls out of your omoplata submission attempt, secure the bicep sandwich to ensure he does not get up from the sweep. Then you can move to side control, mount, or move to the other side to attempt another omoplata submission.

  • Options to Pass the Quarter Guard with Mount, Knee Cut, or Backtake

    When the opponent has quarter guard from a knee cut attempt, you can pass by moving his hips using your leg. You can pass or take the back from mount, or use farside knee cut to clear the foot.

  • Pass Knee Shield Half Guard with Smash Pass

    When the opponent has kneeshield half guard, and you attempt to reset his hips but he keeps his knees pinched and feet crossed so you cannot do the knee cut or X pass. move his knees to the farside and pin his hips and knees for the smash pass.

  • Pass Knee Shield Half Guard with X Pass

    How to use the X Pass to pass the Knee Shield Half Guard when the Knee Cut is not an option because the opponent squeezes his knees tight together.

  • Farside Knee Cut for passing quarter guard

    When the opponent has your foot in quarter guard, secure an underhook on the nearside, and then knee cut to the far side to pass using your shin to block the hips.

  • Passing the Quarter Guard from Mount position

    When the opponent has only your foot in his guard, you can move into mount and secure double underhooks to execute this pass.

  • Reset hips to Pass Kneeshield Halfguard with Knee Cut

    When the opponent has kneeshield half guard, you can remove the kneeshield by lifting the knees to flatten hips and then you can position your knee and arm in between his knees while his hips are flat so you can launch the knee cut pass.

  • Clark Gracie style Knee Cut Pass of Kneeshield Half Guard

    Knee Cut pass of the kneeshield half guard from Clark Gracie with the farside lapel grip and knee cut over the opponent's shins. Once clear of his half guard, then reach for the head to stop his movement.

  • Countering the Spider Guard during Torreando Pass attempt

    When the opponent tries to use spider guard to counter your pant grips, push his feet to the mat or stack him to complete the pass.