All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

VR Jiu-Jitsu's head coach is Van Robertson, a first-degree Black Belt under Pedro Fernandes of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu in Auckland.

Van has been teaching Jiu Jitsu over a decade, and is now bringing her style of teaching online for anyone who wishes to supplement their current learning of the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

VR Jiu Jitu is an official team affiliate of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu, and VRJJ members often cross train with other Tu Kaha affiliate members to broaden their training experience.

All footage is recorded live in actual classes. New videos are posted weekly. Audio quality may vary due to background noises within the gym.

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals
  • Smash Pass (Folding Pass) on Butterfly guard with Leg Weave option

    When your opponent has Butterfly Guard, you can move to one side to collapse his knees together and pin them to the mat with your body weight to enter the Smash Pass (aka Folding Pass). If his knees come apart, you can insert your knee between his legs and enter the Leg Weave option where you can...

  • Basics of the Smash Pass and dealing with resistance

    When you are able to move the opponent to the side and use your body weight to push his knees together, you can complete Smash Pass. Use your head to control his upper body and your legs to pass to the backside.

  • Passing from Headquarters position using Folding Pass or Knee Cut

    When you enter Headquarters position from De La Riva, immediately apply pressure to the opponent's legs. When he push his shin across your body, then you can apply the Folding Pass by pressing his knees together to the outside. If he squares his hips up to the mat, then apply the Knee Cut Pass.

  • Passing from Headquarters by keeping knees apart

    When you get into Headquarters, immediately pin the outside leg and trap his inside leg to the outside of your body while keeping heavy on his hips. Then sprawl off his hook and complete the pass to the side of the pinned leg.

  • Overhead Sweep from X Guard with near sleeve and collar grips

    When you have the nearside sleeve grip from X Guard, grab his collar and pull his weight over your body. Then flip his hips over his shoulder using your X hooks to get him to forward roll. Use the connection of your X hooks on his legs to pull you up over his body to complete the sweep.

  • X Guard Sweep Options depending on upper body grips

    When you enter X Guard from open guard, the upper body grip that you have will dictate the type of sweep you can do from X Guard. When you have the nearside sleeve or collar grip, you can do an ankle back sweep. If you have the far sleeve grip, you can do a forward sweep. If you have no upper bod...

  • Backside X Guard to Backtake or Leg Drag

    When you enter the Backside X Guard position from X Guard, and your opponent leans forward, you can use the crab ride position to drive his knees to the mat. If he starts rotating, use the hip grip, pant grip, and crab hooks to maintain the backside position that sweeps the opponent and lands you...

  • Backside X Guard Entry and Sweep to Leg Drag

    From Spider Guard, enter the X Guard and then begin the Get Up sweep by getting his weight onto the far leg. Then lift his leg and put it on the other side of your head and re-establish your X Guard hooks. Immediately grab his belt and drag him to the mat, landing into the Leg Drag position.

  • X Guard Entry from Seated Butterfly Guard

    When you have a seated butterfly guard and your opponent is kneeling on the mat, you get double under grips and pull him over to get his hands on the mat while lifting his hips with your butterfly hooks. Then push his armpit to the side and grab his leg to enter the X Guard.

  • X Guard Get Up Sweep without upper body grips

    When you have X Guard without any upper body grips, you can still sweep the opponent by forcing his weight onto the far leg while gettin up onto your knees with his other leg.

  • Backward Sweeps from X-Guard without upper body grips

    When you achieve X-Guard, you need to quickly abrupt his balance before he can start breaking down your guard. Two good balance disrupters that do not require upper body grips is the backward sweeps using either the far leg grip, or the ankle pick.

  • Introduction to the X Guard framework and entry

    The X Guard is a very versatile guard with its signature configuration of your legs that look like an X. This video introduces you to an easy way to construct the X guard from an open guard.

  • Straight Footlock on Farside Foot of 50/50 Guard

    When you are in 50/50 and the farside ankle is exposed, you can catch the foot under your armpit and then step your outside leg across the body below the knee to get a tight straight footlock.

  • Spider to X Guard Sweep Options with sleeve control

    When you Spider Guard, you can enter the X Guard with control of the opponent's sleeve and do a foward or backward sweep.

  • Spider Guard to DLR to Sit Up Sweeps using sleeve control

    From your Spider Guard, you can enter De La Riva (DLR) and Sit up with sleeve control between his legs. With far sleeve control, you can do a foward sweep. With near sleeve control, you can do a single leg sweep, or overhead sweep.

  • Spider to DLR to Single Leg Sweep with nearside sleeve and collar control

    From Spider Guard, enter the De La Riva (DLR) and then situp to execute the Single Leg Sweep using nearside sleeve and collar control.

  • Spider Guard to De La Riva (DLR) to Sit Up Sweep with far sleeve grip

    Enter De La Riva (DLR) from Spider Guard, and then sit up and pass far sleeve grip between the opponent's leg to execute a forward sweep.

  • Spider to X Guard Ankle Pick Sweep with nearside sleeve control

    Use Spider Guard to enter the X Guard. Then retain the nearside sleeve grip and execute the Ankle Pick Sweep backwards.

  • Spider to X Guard Sweep with far sleeve control

    When the opponent is standing in your Spider Guard, you can enter the X Guard and retain the grip on his far sleeve to do a forward sweep.

  • Spider Scissor to De La Riva X Guard Sweep to Leg Drag

    When you attempt the Scissor Sweep from your Spider Guard but the opponent has very good balance, you can enter the De La Riva (DLR) X Guard and complete a sweep that lands you into the Leg Drag position.

  • Spider Scissor to 70/30 Sweep to Leg Drag

    When you attempt the Scissor Sweep from your Spider Guard, and the opponent stands up to stop your sweep, you can enter the 70/30 position and complete a sweep that sets up the Leg Drag pass.

  • Triangle Entry from Spider Guard Scissors Sweep attempt

    When you attempt the Spider Guard Scissor Sweep and the opponent lifts up a knee to defend, you can enter the triangle by using your foot on his hip to raise your hips while moving your foot on the bicep over his shoulder.

  • Spider Guard Scissor Sweep from Kneeling or Standing

    When you have Spider Guard you can do the Scissor Sweep on the opponent, whether he is kneeling or standing on the mat. The principle is the same where you extend one foot on a bicep and weaken his base by using your other leg to control his leg on the sweep side.

  • Retaining Spider Guard from Opponent's control of your legs

    When you enter Spider Guard with double sleeve grips, you can retain your spider guard from your opponent's attempt at controlling your legs by keeping his posture broken, constantly using your grips and feet to square back up, and sitting up if he throws your legs to one side. This video introdu...