All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

VR Jiu-Jitsu's head coach is Van Robertson, a first-degree Black Belt under Pedro Fernandes of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu in Auckland.

Van has been teaching Jiu Jitsu over a decade, and is now bringing her style of teaching online for anyone who wishes to supplement their current learning of the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

VR Jiu Jitu is an official team affiliate of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu, and VRJJ members often cross train with other Tu Kaha affiliate members to broaden their training experience.

All footage is recorded live in actual classes. New videos are posted weekly. Audio quality may vary due to background noises within the gym.

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals
  • Double Leg Counter Options

    This video shows a few options for countering the opponent's double leg takedown attempt.

  • Tarikoplata from Kimura defense in closed guard

    You can attack the Tarikoplata from closed guard when the opponent defends your Kimura attempt by grabbing his belt or his other hand.

  • Cross Guard to Omoplata to Triangle

    When going for an omoplata from the cross guard, and the opponent posts his hand on the mat to maintain a posture, you can switch to the triangle.

  • Barataplata from opponent's Triangle defense

    When the opponent defends your triangle by reaching his hand between your legs to grab his gi or his other hand, you can use that defense to set up the Barataplata (shoulder lock)

  • Barataplata from Mount

    This video shows how to enter the Barataplata (should lock) from the Mount position.

  • S-mount Switch to other side to Armbar hold

    When you attempt at an armbar from S-mount, the opponent can hide the arm that is being attack under the other arm. This video explains how you can efficiently and tightly switch your S-mount to the other side to attack his top arm.

  • Rotating to keep the armbar from mount

    When you execute an armbar by falling back and the opponent can start escaping by sitting up as soon as your weight is off your chest. This video explains what you need to immediately do in order to keep the armbar, even if he manages to get on to his knees.

  • Key points in keeping the armbar bar

    When you secure the armbar hold from the top position, your opponent may keep trying to get onto his knees until he can escape. This video describes the key points in making sure you can continuously keep the armbar hold and eventually graduate it to a position where he cannot get onto his knees ...

  • Gold Chain Armbar from Mount

    This video shows the Gold Chain Armbar, which is an alternative configuration of your legs in an armbar hold that has built-in control of the neck as well as the posture.

  • Gold Chain Armbar from guard when opponent defends traditional Armbar

    This videos shows you an entry into a second armbar attack when the opponent defends the traditional armbar from guard by hiding his arm under his arm that is not being attacked.

  • Finishing the Armbar from Mount when opponent rolls onto knees

    When you are finishing the armlock from the top of the mount position, and your opponent rolls belly down and then gets onto his knees, you must be able to follow his movement to keep on the submission lock.

    This video explains what you must do in order to keep the submission lock on even if he...

  • Far-side Armbar using Gold Chain

    When you execute a conventional armbar from mount, the opponent might manage to pull his elbow out of danger. This video shows how you can use the Gold Chain Armbar technique to attack the other arm.

  • Tarikoplata from North South

    A very common entry to the Tarikoplata (shoulder lock) can be done from the North South position when the opponent defends your Kimura attempt by grabbing his belt, gi, or other hand.

    This video explains details on how to successfully entering the submission hold and completing the shoulder lock.

  • Escaping Opponent's Knee Ride

    When the opponent knee rides you, the best escape is one that is also a sweep that leaves you in a positions to immediately pass. This video shows you gi and no-gi escape options.

  • 100 Percent Single Leg Counter

    When your opponent attempts a single leg takedown, you can counter with your own takedown called the 100 Percent.

  • Paper Cutter Choke and Armbar from Over Under Pass

    This video shows you how to execute the Paper Cutter choke while executing the Over Under Pass, either during the pass or immediately after the pass. It also shows you a sneaky Armbar from the Over Under Stack pass when he stiff arms your hip.

  • Reverse Half Guard to Knee Slide

    When you enter the Reverse Half Guard, and your opponent threatens a sweep by elevating your leg, you can use this technique to reclaim the underhook and change the pass to a near side Knee Slide.

  • Reverse Half Guard Pass

    This video defines the reverse half guard and explains when it's applicable. It also shows details of how to successfully pass the reverse half guard.

  • Lockdown Escapes

    The lockdown is a common method of keeping you from advancing your half guard pass. This video shows you two options for escaping your opponent's lockdown.

  • Hippoplata to Counter the Over Under Pass

    The Hippoplata can be used as a counter to the Over Under Pass. This move was made popular by Andre Galvao. This video shows you a use for it in countering the Over Under Pass so that you end up in the top Crucifix position.

  • Double Under counter to Back Take

    When the opponent attempts a Double Under Pass, you can perform this counter and end up taking his back.

  • Cross Guard Basics

    This video details the basics of the cross guard and demonstrates an common entry and attack from the closed guard.

  • X Pass to Knee Ride on seated open guard using Shin-on-Shin

    When approaching a seated open guard and a fast X Pass is difficult, you can utilize stronger grips on the opponent's collar and opposite knee along with stepping into a shin-on-shin in order to perform a standing X Pass to Knee Ride.

  • Long Step Pass with X Pass grips

    When you secure grips on collar and opposite knee, you have the option of doing the X Pass on the side of the knee grip, or the Long Step Pass on the side of the collar grip. This video shows key points of the long step pass that make it work.