All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals

VR Jiu-Jitsu's head coach is Van Robertson, a first-degree Black Belt under Pedro Fernandes of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu in Auckland.

Van has been teaching Jiu Jitsu over a decade, and is now bringing her style of teaching online for anyone who wishes to supplement their current learning of the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

VR Jiu Jitu is an official team affiliate of Tu Kaha Jiu-Jitsu, and VRJJ members often cross train with other Tu Kaha affiliate members to broaden their training experience.

All footage is recorded live in actual classes. New videos are posted weekly. Audio quality may vary due to background noises within the gym.

All VR Jiu Jitsu Instructionals
  • Heel Hook Defense from Inside Sankaku

    When the opponent has Inside Sankaku (Saddle) position, do the "running man" leg configuration by turning your heel into his body and pull your free leg away from him. Then apply a hand wedge and begin pulling your knee free of his knee plane.

  • Americana and Cutting Armlock from Mount

    When you are in mount, and the opponent pulls his arm in tight, you can use your body weight to push the wrist to the mat to begin separating his arm for an Americana or cutting armbar.

  • Chest-to-Chest Armlock when opponent defends with palm down

    When you are attempting a chest-to-chest armlock on the farside arm from your side control, and the opponent defends by turning his palm down, you can still finish the armlock by putting the head side arm under his arm so that your bicep is against his elbow. Then wrench his wrist and push his ar...

  • Arm-In Loop Choke from Half Guard Top

    When you are on top of the opponent's half guard, and he tries to sit up with the underhook, you can counter with a cross collar grip to enter the loop choke. By placing your head to the ground you can balance yourself to use your free foot to clear the guard and then secure and underhook before ...

  • Folding Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you can grip his knees and bring to the far side and slide your knee between his thighs. Keep head low against his shoulder and clear his hooks. Then pass to the original side.

  • Leg Weave Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has a knee shield half guard, you can use your shoulder or chest to pinch the knees together, place your head on the far shoulder and grip the collar to complete the leg weave pass.

  • Escape Back Control using Shoulder Scrape

    When in back control with a seatbelt, you immediately put your head to the mat on the underhook side and scrape your shoulders along the mat. Ensure that you do not allow the full mount once the opponent has decided to abandon the back control.

  • Loop Choke with leg over shoulder

    From cross collar and sleeve guard, you can take away his base with your leg, then get up onto your knees to quickly capture the head in your armpit. Then sit down again throwing your leg over his shoulder to stop his defense of spinning out.

  • Armbar from S-mount

    Armbar from S-mount with details on how to isolate the arm with a tight leg configuration and how to get a tight finish.

  • Armbar from Triangle

    Attack the arm inside the triangle hold by lifting hips to apply pressure on the elbow. You can also isolate the arm by swinging the leg under the armpit over the head to squeeze your thighs for a tight finish.

  • Backtake from Mount

    When you have mount and the opponent turns to one side in an effort to push one of your legs into a guard, you can trap him on his side and apply a giftwrap hold to and sit back to pull him onto the other side for back control.

  • Backtake from De La Riva Baby Bolo

    Backtake from De La Riva guard by making the DLR hook deep onto the far hip. Then apply crab ride hooks from behind, grab belt, and scoot over to back angle.

  • Backtake from Side Control

    When you have side control, you can push the opponent onto his side, apply a giftwrap, align your shin to his back, sit back, and pull him to the other side for the backtake.

  • Cutting Armbar from Guard

    When you have closed guard, you can pull the opponent's arm forward so that his wrist is close to your head. Then you can trap his wrist between your neck and shoulder and angle to your side. Locate the elbow and wrench it straight for the finish.

  • Cutting Armbar from Mount or Side Control

    When opponent straightens either arm in your mount, you can trap the wrist against your neck and shoulder and wrench the elbow so the arm locks in straight, then push the elbow into your body. You can do the same for the far arm in your side control when he turns into you.

  • Triangle Escapes by Stretching

    When the figure 4 leg configuration is locked in, you can still escape if you twist to the choking side and then stretch out your upper body while keeping the hips still.

  • Ezikiel Choke from anywhere

    The Ezikiel Choke is a choke that can be applied from any position if you can isolate the opponent's head with your arms. Hug the head, grab inside the hem of your own sleeve, apply the blade of your hand into the neck, and then apply the choke by attempting to straighten out your arms.

  • Grip Break of Pants using counter sleeve grip and kick

    When the opponent grips your pants, you can counter grip his sleeve and kick your leg straight to break the pants grip. This is normally done from your spider guard when he counter grips your pants.

  • Grip Break on Pants using Scoop

    When you are in seated open guard and your attempts to gain a pant grip before you are ready to engage a guard, a scoop grip is a fast means of breaking the grip without needing to counter sleeve grip.

  • Kimura from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When you have knee shield half guard, and you secure kimura grips, you finish the Kimura by removing the knee shield and then rolling all the way to the other side to face his head while applying the shoulder lock.

  • Omoplata Shoulder Lock and Set Up from Closed Guard

    Set up the Omoplata from closed guard. Once you pass the leg over the face, push face away and build height. Take care in curling the legs to the other side.

  • Passing the Quarter Guard

    When in mount and the opponent has a quarter guard, you must remove his defensive arms by securing double underhooks. Then you can use your free foot to help free the trapped foot.

  • Smash Pass from Knee Shield Half Guard

    When the opponent has knee shield half guard, you get grips on the knees and lift his legs to the other side and smash his legs together while stapling his shin. Then you can pass from the smash or move into the leg weave.

  • Torreando Pass pushing feet to mat

    When approaching the open guard and you can secure a pant grip on each leg, you slam the feet to the mat and hop to the side to prevent spider guard entry. Then put in a divider with either your knee or your shoulder. Swap grips to complete the pass only after his shoulder is on the mat.